Godot Taxis
Sunday 12th October 2014 1:49pm
5,760 posts
Quote: don rushmore @ 8th October 2014, 5:37 PM BST
But it's so badly run. Why is Rob H still included? He doesn't post. How would you feel if he won and you came second?
Truthfully, I wouldn't give a shite. The jury's still out for me on whether I'm actually playing this game or its playing me.
Obviously members should post and the implication behind you returning to the clique was that Dan would clear out the dead members and give it a proper title (or one we all find acceptable). It perhaps would also help if he changed the original league's title to something that reflects its contingent of humourless and anonymous c**ts.
Your league has solved one problem but created another in that we have to wait longer for it to update. I'm not prepared to wait two hours longer each Monday or Sunday night just to see a table with your score included in it. Nothing personal.