Tuesday 14th October 2014 8:29pm [Edited]
595 posts
Quote: Bonzo @ 13th October 2014, 7:44 PM BST
I get it and I think it's clever. Basically, I think the writer is scoffing at the ridiculously obvious statement that DNA relates to your height by using the bear in the woods analogy. I might be wrong but that made me laugh. 
If it made you laugh, then job done. But it is a very old joke, and that's why it's getting a lot of flack.
It was also flagged up by a former Newsjack script editor as being the epitome of a 'lazy' gag (as has already been mentioned).
For all the talk of new angles and original material, these sorts of things do sneak in and, yes, it is infuriating. It's happened before and it will happen again. You will always be at the mercy of someone else's opinion. And, shock horror, that opinion isn't always the *right* one - not just for you personally, but also for the overall quality of the show.
But it can't change the fact that you can only write what YOU think is funny (tailored to the brief of the show). You can only ever do that. What happens after is beyond your control.