Look! They both had a tiny bit.

Look! They both had a tiny bit.
Quote: zooo @ 1st October 2014, 12:42 AM BSTLook! They both had a tiny bit.
Fnaar fnaar quig quig yip yip.
Quote: keewik @ 30th September 2014, 11:10 PM BSTGod knows. I'm proud to say I've never ever watched 'East Enders'. The acting in soaps is often cringeworthy.
Quote: Chappers @ 21st September 2014, 11:12 PM BSTI've never seen that although I got the (first?) series on DVD. Will watch it sometime maybe when I haven't got a job.
Apart from the famous Yosser Hughes line "Gissa job"
There's the great scene with the priest at confessional:-
Yosser "I'm desperate Father"
Priest "Please, call me Dan"
Yosser "I'm desperate Dan"
Love it!
Also very moving in parts.
Quote: Chappers @ 30th September 2014, 11:05 PM BSTJust catching the end of Eastenders.
Didn't Phil marry Sharon years ago?
I hasten to add I'd just turned over to watch Family Guy.
Quote: zooo @ 1st October 2014, 12:42 AM BSTLook! They both had a tiny bit.
Wayne Rooney and Robbie Williams?
Max n Paddy. Road to nowhere.
Scrotal Recall on +1.
I'm afraid I can't warm to the lead character.
I couldn't give a toss what happens to him.
Peaky Blinders is rather full-on, isn't it?
Eastenders last nights one I wonder who got shot?
My guess is Phil Mitchell. He gets shot every five years or so.
Probably that annoying little kid.
I feel more sad for the dog that Abbie ran over.
Quote: Lazzard @ 3rd October 2014, 9:35 AM BSTPeaky Blinders is rather full-on, isn't it?
I have yet to be convinced it's not a sketch about the Sopranos from Vic and Bob
Quote: zooo @ 3rd October 2014, 1:22 PM BSTProbably that annoying little kid.
I feel more sad for the dog that Abbie ran over.
I met Abbie once. She has a big head, not like an inflated ego, her head is like physically large.
Aww, bless. She does have quite a round face, like a little doll. I think the most unrealistic part of EastEnders is that Max could produce two pretty daughters.
See: most people on Eastenders.