Quote: A Horseradish @ 30th September 2014, 8:31 PM BST
So sandpaper first, yes? Then sugar soap. I'm not sure what sugar soap looks like. Is it in a rectangular packet? I already have gloves because they came with my hyacinth bulbs. I did try to decorate once but I got gloss on myself and ended up in A and E. Panic really. It was a Friday night. When the drunks came in bleeding, I was told there would be a two hour wait so I just went home again and got in the shower.
To be honest, I wish those IQ tests that sometimes appear in the papers could be extended to DIY ability because I am totally convinced that in that respect I am far below the average. People say "well, you know, it's automatic" and I think "no". I haven't a clue either in comprehending it or in the physical coordination.
Either sandpaper or sugar soap (there is no need to do both), which can come in like a small washing powder box or a plastic tub if you want a larger quantity (you mix it with water). If the original paintwork is OK (that is not streaky or with bumps etc) then sugar soap would be fine or sand down to a nice flat surface.
A&E 'cos you got gloss paint on you?!?!?! What on earth were you doing with it?Clean off with White Spirit and then wash with soap and water.
I wouldn't call it automatic - you either have a flare for DIY or you don't - simple as that really. I find it real easy and a pleasure to see the finished result, and most of it is common sense.
By all means come back to me if you have any other queries or concerns. 
Effin tired now and going to bed!