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Doctor Who... Page 1,091

is that an amusing statement or an ufulfilled fantasy

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 16th September 2014, 9:11 PM BST

They don't seem to repeat that one much

There's a reason for that. It has fantastic production design with the Zygon costumes but the 'loch ness monster' is just embarrassing and it is literally a three parter with a different half hour added on at the end. Sorry Ben :(

It's a camp old bit of fun.

Rewatched part of Planet of the Daleks, where Daleks could be disabled with a towel, shoved around like shopping trolleys and killed by shoving them into a pond.

More like planet of the Deacons then the Daleks.

Quote: sootyj @ 13th September 2014, 8:26 PM BST

Saw them both, fun but not scifi.

Infact one of the final scenes where the Master makes threats against the whole universe from a microphone in a telescope on Earth.
Is according to some writers, one of the worst moments of scifi of all time for it's sure improbability.

The Leisure Hive was just a bit odd, one of those intermidable Nspace spin offs. What a peculiar pair to suggest as hard scifi.

'Leisure Hive - Logopolis' means all the stories between those two - seven four parters - season 18. If it was two I would have used a comma rather than a dash. The leisure Hive is not an N space story, it's about tachyons.

I'm not suggesting they're hard SF - it was the case that a concerted attempt was made to bring in more science. That's not my view, just what happened. Most of the stories of that season were terrible. Baker didn't get on with Nathan Turner and disliked Adric and wanted to leave. The show was already dying.

Seems fair adric was a low point and baker had been mostly carrying the show for years

Quote: sootyj @ 17th September 2014, 12:02 AM BST

Rewatched part of Planet of the Daleks, where Daleks could be disabled with a towel, shoved around like shopping trolleys and killed by shoving them into a pond.

Are there some weird, jungle scenes in that? I think it was repeated on the BBC in about 1993ish. Only time I saw it. Don't remember it being too bad.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ 16th September 2014, 11:58 PM BST

There's a reason for that. It has fantastic production design with the Zygon costumes but the 'loch ness monster' is just embarrassing and it is literally a three parter with a different half hour added on at the end. Sorry Ben :(

I concur that it's not a fantastic story, but like Sooty says it's fun. I first watched it when I was about 9, so my lack of critical nous back then prevents me from being embarrassed by it.

Quote: sootyj @ 16th September 2014, 10:57 PM BST

is that an amusing statement or an ufulfilled fantasy

I've got a foot in each stirrup.

It's also the one where they keep passing the same 6 daleks infront of a camera to make it look like there were loads of them.

Quote: sootyj @ 17th September 2014, 7:56 PM BST

It's also the one where they keep passing the same 6 daleks infront of a camera to make it look like there were loads of them.

Which differentiates it from most of the other classic Dalek stories...where they tried the same trick with 3 (most noticeable in 'Day of the Daleks' after some bright spark had the brilliant idea of painting one (third) of the Daleks gold...).

I had Day of the Daleks on VHS. I seem to remember that even back then I thought it was a bit ropey, but I did like it when they did the brainscan bit on the Doctor.

It's available in it's entirety on Daily Motion

It's a pretty good Dr Who, some fairly solid scifi idea the Ogrons, the Brig and the third Doc, all in all pretty good solid fun.

Am I the only one watching it still.

Oh well last nights pretty good. Interesting that the biggest weakness was it looked cheap. Wobbly sets, awful CGI sun storm and the alien big bad looked like something out of 1980s trek.

But it was a neatly put together idea, if not hugely original. Capaldi allowed to be a proper, mental, possibly evil Dr was great fun. Coleman making the tea and asking questions like a proper assistant. A collection of actually believable and interesting characters. And the plot flowed effectively and had plenty of twists.
The Drs revelation he annoys himself, much more interesting than his always being scared.

A strong B I'd say and hopefully more like this.

Quote: sootyj @ 21st September 2014, 8:33 AM BST

Am I the only one watching it still.

I'm going to watch it later!

I had an interesting (well, drunk) chat about Doctor Who in the taxi home last night with the driver and a man with one eye. They like the new Doctor, but the man with one eye was very angry about the Robin Hood episode.

It did feel a bit like Dr Who Goes Hustle, but it was a decent episode. Not sure if it's just me, but it felt like something from the RTD era - I think it would have suited Tennant very well, but that's not to say Capaldi was out of sorts. Anyway, my favourite bit was the resolution as it was nicely executed and a rewarding payoff.

It had a generically classic feel I could picture it with Baker.
It's odd how refreshing it is to have a story with beginning, middle end and a few twists that are explained.

I enjoyed it a lot more than last week's rubbish. I thought the monster actually looked good too, apart from the end when they were naked and walking away together. The Robin Hood one is still my favourite of this season though. I know nobody else liked it, but I thought it was fun! :D

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