British Comedy Guide

Cuckoo - Series 2

Series 2 is shaping up quite nicely.

Episode 1 was obviously an introduction to the new Cuckoo (Taylor Lautner) who I prefer to Andy Samberg. Although I prefer the old Rachel (Tamla Kari) to the new one (Esther Smith). Thought it was nice introduction, if not predictable, it kept me chuckling and there was some laugh out loud moments to boot.

Episode 2 was the best so far! Even taking in to account the episodes from series 1. I think the fact there was actually a decent story to it too made it all the better, which isn't always the case with Cuckoo. Plenty of laugh out loud moments. Loved the "New relationship" introduction/ceremony. I also like the passing of the hash in the car moment and the subsequent swallowing.

Looking forward to Episode 3.

I'm not as convinced - I think so far Series 2 is incredibly uneven and not very sure of itself. The 'new Cuckoo' has come in - and whilst he doesn't quite have the comic chops of Andy Samburg is doing well considering - and yet he hasn't really done anything. In Episode 2 (Craig, you must have skipped one somewhere as the drug swallowing episode was the third of the latest series) he basically just turned up at the end to poison every one, and in Episode 3 again, his date seemed very much a B-plot. In Episodes 2 and 3 you could have lost his entire storylines and the end result wouldn't have been a vastly different sitcom.

I thought Greg Davies would have done a lot more of the heavy lifting this series, but so far they sent him away for the majority of the second episode, and the third was essentially a re-tread of the episode he did drugs in Series 1. There are still a few laughs to be had, but at the moment it seems like a sitcom that has had the rug pulled from under it and isn't sure what it wants to be anymore.

He took drugs lols.

I look forward to Thursday nights on BBC Three, Cuckoo followed by Siblings. The food poisoning episode was hilarious.

I have a small gripe with the 'hash' episode. Is it at all likely that a man in his forties in this day and age wouldn't know that eating a block of hashish gets you stoned?

That aside I rather enjoyed last night's 'funeral' episode, particularly because Ken's pursuit of the book took centre stage.

Yeah, last night's was comfortably the best of the series. Still think they have too many characters than they know what to do with - Dylan seems to have outlived his usefulness in the main and last night they shipped Rachel out for the majority of the episode (seem to have done this with one character for most episodes this series so far Ken episode 2, Dylan episode 3, Rachel episode 4).

I watched the first episode and it did nothing for me. I realise it was more of a set up one but even so there was nothing there that I liked. It also doesn't help that I am not a fan of Greg Davies. So far I have seen him in The Inbetweeners, Man Down and Cuckoo, and I'm not impressed with what he brings to the screen.

Just watched episode 4, I thought it was great. 9 out of 10 for me.

I missed Cuckoo Series 1, I didn't know it existed until series two came out, so in some ways I was lucky because I didn't get to enjoy the genius of the first series before getting hooked on the second.
(I've just watched them all back to back)
In reality, they are both very good and very different.
The second series I'd say Greg Davis is the star and it seems to be more about him with the Cuckoo Jnr being a sub plot, where as Series 1 was very much about Cuckoo Snr and his wife, with Greg Davis and family being the sub plot.

I think both work great, I can't wait to see the next episode and hope it's as good, I like the fact that the cast act their parts very realistically, you don't have any of that typically British sitcom over acting where the wacky neighbour is just over done or the dumb one is so very very dumb. There are a lot of areas this show could have gone horrible wrong, but it's brought to us with a level of believability that under plays the simple laughs of someone wearing a stupid tie and acting over the top, because it knows its writing is strong enough. And may I point out that they have remembered the one most important thing about a sitcom, the fact that the com stands for comedy! I have laughed and laughed in every episode. Well done to then for getting it right!

So that's why! I thought there was something different but couldn't put my finger on it. They replaced Rachel!

I agree with what FunyHaHA Not Funy Strange said (especially laughing out loud during every episode), but would like to add:

When I first heard Taylor Lautner had been cast in Cuckoo, I groaned. Oh yay, it's Torso from the deplorable Twilight films who couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. (Have you seen Abduction? Don't.) And he will replace Andy Samberg in a comedy series I rather enjoyed. So colour me surprised when series two started and Dale made me laugh, just as much as Cuckoo himself. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually really enjoying Taylor Lautner. He should be funny more often.

I'm sorry to say, I just don't get Cuckoo, I don't find it funny and I really thought I would. I guess just because you enjoy comedy doesn't mean you'll enjoy all comedy.

I loved this series. I hope there's a third series.

I think the back half of the series was certainly an improvement on the opening episodes for me. The Ken getting promoted episode was your standard sitcom fare, but somehow they really made it work. Agree that Taylor Lautner has been a great bit of casting, he got more laughs as the series went on. I think it might be time to move Dylan quietly to university if there is a Series 3 though, still seems like a bit of a spare part.

That said was anyone a bit underwhelmed by the Dale/Rachel plot? It was obvious they would get together, and you never felt anything but that would happen. Be interesting to see what they do in the Christmas special and Series 3 if it gets commissioned, wouldn't want that relationship to be a repeat of Series 1.

It's refreshing and interesting to see Lautner in something other than a teen comedy. I do hope this helps his career since he is a great actor, just...hasn't had a good start in life (my anti-Twilight tendencies are coming out).

I didn't like Series 2 as much as Series 1. I enjoyed it and I liked the way that the son was created, especially having him come from a cult which carried with new jokes all through the series. It was so obvious that by the end they would have a romantic situation arise, and I think this was great writing.

What I didn't get was Helen Baxendale's character. She doesn't act like a Mum in Series 2, and some of the situations she gets herself in makes me unsure what her role is in the show. I loved the high scene in the lawyer's office... brilliant piece of writing that was.

I do miss Andy Samberg because I find him very charming, witty and funny as an actor... but I enjoyed Cuckoo Series 2.

I just wonder what the American series will be like. Lately they've been having successes with american remakes, Getting On comes to mind.

Will the new series of Cuckoo be on BBC Three or just online?

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