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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,654

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 28th August 2014, 8:31 AM BST

On the Beeb news this morning it said that some social workers feared that they would be accused of being racist if they took action.

Is the PC/Racist ticket turning into a farce?

It's been a farce since the hysterical practice landed here from Canada and USA. It spread all across north America and got grabbed up by limp wrists and females over here in the 80s who've taken it to a whole new level of dangerousness.

PC was the very cause of 1400 cases of paedophilic sex abuse and rape in Rotheram and the labour party need to have an emergency meeting and decide to eradicate this PC disease that they have created. It is killing Labour's chances of ever getting power again when a decent reasonably minded working class British party would stroll into power now.

The darkest but funniest thing about it is it has made complete fools of the feminist movement, mostly labour and liberal voters who've been the very pioneers of PC in Britain. What confused pillocks they look like now.

Amen to that, sadly........ :(

With so many things, we follow what is going on in the US like a load of dozy sheep...........Baa!!

What area of employment do you work in Alfred Kipper?

Don't be silly

There are plenty of moderate Muslims out there, but if we start making this about enforced duty, or loyalty or whatever else you want to call it.
Then they will comply, like we all would. But the immoderate one's you're scared of won't. You'll drive them away and they'll look at them and call them traitors.

As it is from the BBC to the Catholic Church, when the situation is right you will get paedophiles and they will conceal themselves.

It's life and has little to do with religion or culture, just opportunity.

Alfred doesn't like limp wrists and women - sounds like he a lot in common with Muslim fanatics.

The vast vast majority of Muslims are decent peaceful law abiding people

If you are gormless enough to think otherwise you may as well get a swastika tattooed on your neck and join the EDL and all the other brain dead racist f**kwits out there

Quote: lofthouse @ 31st August 2014, 12:03 PM BST

The vast vast majority of Muslims are decent peaceful law abiding people

And are also very quiet. Why can't they use one of their outlets to shout down the extremists then? If the moderates were really the dominant force in their religion then they'd be ordering the others to shut up and be good moderate members. The fact it hasn't happened tells you the real truth.

Quote: sootyj @ 31st August 2014, 11:55 AM BST

It's life and has little to do with religion or culture, just opportunity.

Have to totally disagree on the culture one, sorry. Do you know the history of moslems and sex crimes in the commonwealth? In your line of work you will know that suppression of sexual freedoms often leads to sexual abuse. Mix that with an increased surge of hateful rhetoric at anti western liberalism, the sights all around them their religion or twisted culture forbids and you have an almost perfect recipe for epidemic sexual abuse and that includes violent rape.

The PC brigade in charge of many councils don't want you to know it's happening because it ruins their credibility and their livelihoods so they suppress it from being known. The councillors themselves should be jailed too.

Quote: Tursiops @ 28th August 2014, 6:24 PM BST

In this case I am not sure religious fundamentalism is the issue; it is rather more of a cultural problem, though the contempt that some moslems feel for the host population is doubtless a contributory factor. If you come from a culture of burqas and arranged marriages, it is not a stretch to conclude that all white girls are sluts. And while we might consider a thirteen year old to be a child, in a village in rural Pakistan she would be probably be held to be nubile.

Tursio won't like any association with me but he does put it so well above. I'm not as diplomatic but am only saying the same thing. gang rape by ethnic minorities on a host nation's females is nearly all about culture. A horrifying clash of very different cultures.

I'm a freelance writer these days, all I know about sexual repression is not fancying my coworker (myself)

But if you're talking about the commonwealth,its a lot more about poor education and poverty.
Both of which the empire controlled

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 31st August 2014, 1:21 PM BST

Tursio won't like any association with me but he does put it so well above. I'm not as diplomatic but am only saying the same thing. gang rape by ethnic minorities on a host nation's females is nearly all about culture. A horrifying clash of very different cultures.

Do we know the ages of these 'men'? I'll admit I haven't felt overinclined to read all the gory details, but I doubt very much they are first generation Pakistani, they are most probably second generation so balls to it being a cultural thing. These guys grew up in Rotherham and the surrounds, they have taken what they want from aspects of culture in their fatherland to suit and justify their actions but it's not culture driven, it's hatred driven.

It's nothing to do with them being unable to have sex outside marraige due to religious constraints, there is an ingrained lack of respect for Western women in play, in fact, for women full stop.

Quote: sootyj @ 31st August 2014, 1:25 PM BST

But if you're talking about the commonwealth,its a lot more about poor education and poverty.
Both of which the empire controlled

I'm sorry but this ultra liberal approach is part of the problem. We should be allowed to say what is plainly obvious to most honest local observers. There's been plenty of real reports that do not see the public light of day until it's too late, like in the Rotherham scandal. 'The gangs were mainly of Pakistani heritage.' Why can't the liberals handle this? If it's the truth then society needs to know so it can do something to stop it happening. Not cover it up because some poor victimised minority may get tarnished by the nasty white imperialists again. It's not a Disney film, it's real life.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 31st August 2014, 10:14 AM BST

The darkest but funniest thing about it is it has made complete fools of the feminist movement, mostly labour and liberal voters who've been the very pioneers of PC in Britain. What confused pillocks they look like now.

Not really Kipper, let's boil this down to what it really is - inept and negligent care of children by the local authority. No one would be silly enough to think this is wholly about liberalism, though that certainly played a part, it happened because individuals did nothing to stop it through ineptitude at their jobs.

Professional negligence is usually a factor in such huge cases but I'm sorry but a stupid irrational fear of saying something culturally awkward was clearly the over riding factor in this one.

A white taxi driver was sacked or barred from doing that run, so the council knew about the abuse and knew who were being accused, then eventually five Asian British moslems were convicted for a decade long controlled campaign aided by the PC ridden council and beleaguered local police.

Those ultra liberal PC morons have made the crime of racism a more heinous offence now than gang rape and sex trafficking! WTF is going here and why am I the only sod daring to say it's effin barmy? :S

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 28th August 2014, 8:31 AM BST

On the Beeb news this morning it said that some social workers feared that they would be accused of being racist if they took action.

From what I heard the social workers did take action-well they phoned the police...

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