Steve Sunshine
Friday 12th September 2014 8:52am [Edited]
15,905 posts
Friday Quiz July 18th 2014
1. A record was set this week by a Scot after over 40 days continuous habitation of which isolated part of the UK? Rockall
2. Which country has repealed their carbon tax this week? Australia
3. The extremely dangerous funnel web spider is native to which country ? Australia
4. Which long-running programme does this person present? The Sky at Night
5. Which West African country was founded by freed American slaves? Liberia
6. Which bell, originally cast in a London foundry, is renowned for the large crack that runs through it, which appeared after it was first rung? The Liberty Bell
7. What links the films Donnie Darko, Sexy Beast and Harvey? Rabbits
8. The then Princess Elizabeth found out that she had become queen while on a visit to which country? Kenya
9. What links these pictures? tRAMp & sEWEr - both contain sheep
10. Name the film. Citizen Kane
11. Which band took its name from a slang term for a German brothel? Joy Division
12. What is the shortest-titled song ever to reach number one in the UK? If or 19
13. Name the tree. Gingko Balboa / Maidenhair Tree
14. Which philosopher in 2012 proposed building an atheist temple in London? Alain de Botton
15. What was the homosexual slang common in London in the 1950s and 1960s? Polari
16. If the answer is 'Abhors, almost and biopsy', what is the question? Name three six-letter words where the letters fall in alphabetical order
17. What is the name of the Italian mafia organization based in and around the city of Naples? Camorra
18. Imagine you have a birthday cake which you need to cut into eight equal pieces. You can only make three cuts with your knife - how would you proceed? The cake and knife are both of normal dimensions. Cut in half, then in quarters, and finally slice the cake in half horizontally, resulting in eight equal pieces
19. What links these pictures: Singles by Madness (The Prince; Baggy Trousers; House of Fun; Grey Day; Michael Caine)
20. Unscramble the two words: A A B D D I N N R R U U W BURUNDI & RWANDA