Something with cars, James May and music from the 80s on BBC2.
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Brush Strokes
Series 1 episode 1
Dusty Springfield documentary on BBC4.
Yes Hercule!
Quote: Chappers @ 24th August 2014, 9:56 PM BSTDusty Springfield documentary on BBC4.
Yes Hercule!
Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 24th August 2014, 9:35 PM BSTSomething with cars, James May and music from the 80s on BBC2.
Why did that shrew get away with leaving Ian's ice-cream to melt on the bleedin' side without bothering to tell him she took it out???
Apparently it was only left out for 40 secs before he found it. But she still should have told him straight away.
40 secs, did shrew time it??
In fairness there were two of them at the freezer and it must have been mayhem. His poor face though when he had to walk up to the judges brandishing a bin.
Poor beardy man.
My understanding of this is that he seemed to be having a very hard time getting it all to come together, and then he (possibly) put it in the wrong fridge; she came to use her fridge, and found it full; so she removed it, wondering who's Alaska it was, but crucially failing to find the owner (should she have to spend her valuable time trying to rectify someone else's mistake?) ; it stayed out for 40seconds apparently, before he discovered it was not where it should be; and the rest is history.
Quote: zooo @ 28th August 2014, 3:33 PM BSTPoor beardy man.
What a drama Queen. It's only a f**king cookery show!
It's only a forum comment.
Quote: Lee @ 28th August 2014, 6:22 PM BSTIt's only a forum comment.
I meant the tosser in the programme - not poor zooo!
I bet the icecream melted because Paul Hollywood had sex with it.
I bet it melted cos he pierced it with his lazer blue eyes.
Edinburgh Festival stand-ups. After seeing 4 of them dressed almost identically in black shirts (preferably *not* tucked in) and dark rolled-up jeans, I assumed they'd been dressed like that by the producers for the show; but then a few were dressed a bit differently, so that can't be the case.