Saturday 23rd August 2014 4:44pm
2,720 posts
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 23rd August 2014, 5:32 PM BST
Sullivan came from an age when genuine writers were sought and needed, now we're in an age when there are thousands trying to write sitcoms for a living and the broadcasters have their books stuffed many times over.
Any new John Sullivan out there now will never get a look in, the new OFAH will never be found because the broadcasters don't seriously look at the scripts flowing in through the letterbox/email tray anymore.
To me this is evidence of more open opportunities, rather thasn the opposite. Yes, that's the downside, isn't it: if everyone can now have a go, it becomes a challenge to get noticed. Once again, I'd relate this to the music industry.
I might be simple-minded, but I doubt producers think "God, I can't be arsed to read this big pile, let's see whether any of them went to Balliol and give them the gig".
Now, they might think "God, I can't be arsed to read this big pile, let's see whether Robert Webb or Chris Moyle want to do a show, it'll be much quicker and easier to sell", but that's a different case.
Without any hard data to back this up, I would venture to say that there are probably fewer Oxbridge graduates in the uper echelons of creative writing of all types than there are in politics, banking, advertising, and so on. I reckon you've chosen the wrong target to tilt at.
Quote: sootyj @ 23rd August 2014, 5:34 PM BST
The poor squegees I heard you put them through the wringer
That's unfair - there was a whole lot of post-band success for the lead singer, Sudds.