Sunday 17th August 2014 5:34pm
35,912 posts
Quote: Lee @ 17th August 2014, 12:36 PM BST
God forbid language to evolve
You call taking words from the Yanks evolving? They still spell words the Olde Englishe way!
Quote: billwill @ 17th August 2014, 12:52 PM BST
Who invented the heads up display anyway? UK or USA ?
Never heard of it before.
Quote: Ben @ 17th August 2014, 1:08 PM BST
I'm with Marc on this one.
Heads up = Prior warning.
Why can't you just say "Let me know"?
Quote: zooo @ 17th August 2014, 12:59 PM BST
I'm with Lee and Stephen Fry.
Some Americanisms can be annoying, but generally I don't mind people using new words. No one's making you use them!
They don't.
I still can't bring myself to say "Hi" or "cool" as in Quite good.