Friday 1st August 2014 4:50pm
14,223 posts
Hamas could be the worst most vile dispicable bunch of motherf**kers in history
But why should normal decent law abiding civilians have to suffer as a result?
A Palestinian baby will drop out of its mum today
And it will be in a world where everything around it is being blown to smithereens
And Israel knows this and doesn't care
Go after the 'terrorists'
Send waves of troops into Gaza armed to the teeth and hunt them down and kill them
And destroy their weapons and missiles
But they won't cos they'd rather blow the shit out of schools and markets and hospitals cos they'd prefer Palestinians to be blown to bits instead of losing a few soldiers
I don't know how they sleep at night knowing the slaughter they are responsible for
I don't know how they can look at themselves in the mirror
Actually scrap that , I do
They are soulless, moralless inhuman butchers
They probably get off on it