Anyone know what happened to the welsh sitcom `HIGH HOPES' you must have had a gander,well someone;somewhere on this great big whirly-gig of writers. I thought it was a good idea bringing agoraphobia out of its horrid little shell,and making a fool of it. my friend/producer the famous welsh sitcom king; the one and only GARETH GWENLAN, promised a follow up...didn't he? any of you guys know any different.?
I sent two sitcomes written by me o' course `CRANKY CROCS' n' `THE BEAUTY SPOT'. our Gareth was quite enthralled with the welsh widow woman,but said I had to try a little harder to strrrrrech the last tenth of the sitcom out,and he would have been very interested.He hated `CRANKY CROCS'..anyone else had any similar experiences.PURPLE KITTEN.Location S.W
IT would appear that a guy called STEVE VOYCE has sucked up my comments,obviously by accident.Cross-wires somewhere guys.Totally ignore 'im,'e's gerrin 'is own website soon. PHEW!! that will be a relief. I can,at last, be me.OOOOOOOEEEEE. PURPLE KITTEN. Location S.W.