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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,624

Actually the dirty old c*nt would probably love every second of it

Quote: lofthouse @ 4th July 2014, 10:09 PM BST

I think Rolf should be gangbanged to death by rabid sexually depraved kangaroos

For once they'll be tying him down...

Quote: Ben @ 4th July 2014, 10:20 PM BST

For once they'll be tying him down...

Laughing out loud

Quote: Jennie @ 4th July 2014, 9:59 PM BST

And they often stem from the poverty and/or the abuse. It is a pretty vicious circle.

Except the vast majority of people in poverty and / or abused do not commit crimes, particularly violent crimes. Most are law abiding citizens who struggle to get through the week.

However, when they purposefully disenfranchise themselves from society, it gives them carte blanche to commit any abhorrent deed as they feel entitled to blame external forces for their bad behaviour and claim they were forced into these actions.

You could ban all drink and drugs and crime would still exist, because crime is a shortcut to relative wealth and status and in 'da hood', you ain't getting laid without some bling on your wrist or a pocket full of dosh.

Quote: Jennie @ 4th July 2014, 10:06 PM BST

I think the other thing is that you have to replace the drugs with something in their lives.

Take the average repeat offender - heroin user, no permanent home, no family, no job, no real friends. Generally as much of a useless bum as you get in our society. If there is an underclass, he's in it.

So he goes and nicks razors from Boots in order to fund his habit. Take away his heroin (which is a long, painful process for which real motivation is required) and what has he got?

He still can't get a job, often lacks the social skills to make real friends etc.

On prescription and get people to give it up over 20,years or never. Its available privately and surprisinglyn succesful

It's all the other things that go with the addiction though that have to be tackled side by side, the whole person needs to be treated, not just the physical addiction. I see alcohol dependency services doing nothing but handing out leaflets re drink in moderation and a bit of a chat, not their fault just that's where about where it's at, the whole substance issue needs looking at pronto by the government and voluntary services need proper resources, funding and training.

Quote: sootyj @ 4th July 2014, 10:41 PM BST

On prescription and get people to give it up over 20,years or never.

I don't think that an ongoing chemical 'cure' is the answer. Addiction is very much a mental illness and won't be addressed by supplementing the user with their vice.

What is the answer though? It's very tricky. I believe that some sort of holistic approach is needed to get people off their vice with the minimum amount of mental damage. Of course, there's also the problem that when people do manage to wean themselves off an addiction, they tend to relapse into a new addiction to feed the reward circuits of the brain.

Perhaps it's a philosophical issue people want their pleasures alcohol and refined sugar killer thousands. Are we that much better off than cultures with a benign opium or marijuana smoking culture

Quote: Ben @ 4th July 2014, 11:06 PM BST

What is the answer though? It's very tricky. I believe that some sort of holistic approach is needed to get people off their vice with the minimum amount of mental damage. Of course, there's also the problem that when people do manage to wean themselves off an addiction, they tend to relapse into a new addiction to feed the reward circuits of the brain.

Yes - and to a certain extent, we all self-medicate in a certain way. Whether it is drugs, or alcohol, or exercise, or TV, or Playstation, or BCG..everyone has something they go to. Rather than eradicating it completely, I guess we just need to aim for the healthiest form of self-medication!

Quote: Jennie @ 4th July 2014, 9:51 PM BST

Fortunately Theresa doesn't get a say (God help us all if she did!) It's the Attorney General.

And that's an improvement? ! :O

Now Vanessa Feltz is getting on the Rolf bandwagon.

Is there a man alive who hasn't tried it on with Nessie?

Bloody hell he'd have needed an extra leg



The Leon Britten thing is bothering me. So a year and a half ago the government lost 114 files, that's a lot of files they must have filled a room. So for a year and a half the government sat on it's bum and did nothing, then they apoint a lawyer and not the police. Meaning in essence no criminal investigation either into possible wilful destruction of evidence of serious crimes.

If the government and civil service have decided that it's ok for aged light entertaining pervs to go to jail and not seedy politicos who could have been blackmailed. Then f**k it I'm sending Rolf a cake with a file in it.

No more cash fares on London buses from Sunday

From today you can't pay with cash on London Buses, you have to use an Oyster card or a contactless credit card or have a day-pass.

I've tried to look on the web for the legal aspects, but only found nonsense from people with no real legal knowledge. Perhaps Jennie knows the answer.

Can TFL refuse the Coin-of-the-Realm in payment for a contract service?


I think the people hardest hit by this might be the very poor & homeless.

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