British Comedy Guide

Am I as funny as I thought?! Page 9

I love it when little old ladies look at you all suspiciously, like you're going to try to bone them or something!!! There's no way I'd do something like that! Me and Kim Catrell have got something special and I'm not going to ruin it!!

The only way the black joke could be funny, is if you were black.

Quote: Ben @ 19th June 2014, 2:45 PM BST

Oh yes, they're certainly funny to watch in a tragicomic way, but you're never laughing with them.

Of course not, I don't want to get punched.

Quote: sootyj @ 19th June 2014, 2:45 PM BST

I believe that's called polo

Took me a second to fathom what that referred to, and then it got a Laughing out loud

Hi Ollet,
Welcome to our world, a land full of opinion with no set, correct, defined rules! How do you do well at stand up comedy? You tell the best Jokes you can with confidence and presents, and spend a lot of time doing it hoping you can be in the right place at the right time when the opportunities show there faces.
Asking people if they like your jokes is about as productive as asking Alanis Morisette to describe irony!

I have learnt a few things and I spend a lot of time going to open mic comedy nights and there is only one thing that works every time, know your material and practice it until you know it off by heart.
open mic night is the karaoke of stand up comedy, its nothing to do with the real comedy circuit so done fall yourself, but you can fall the audience, be 1000% more ready than you think you need to be, learn your jokes off by heart and learn every word! yes every word! until you can recite your stand up word perfect in front of a camcorder and play it back sounding confident and in charge "YOU ARE NOT READY" open mic is not the place to learn, its the place to go when you think you have nothing more to learn about your 5 minute routine! that's when you will truly learn from doing stand up, you say you are going to be nervous, but make sure you are only worried about how the audience are going to respond not how you are going to perform!

That's my advice, and I'm the most successful stand up comic in the country currently specialising in bad sarcasm and self deprecating arrogance!

sorry ,I thought your jokes were not funny - and whoever sent you to Coventry was a complete b'stard ! what did you do to deserve that ?

Quote: FunyHaHA Not Funy Strange @ 19th June 2014, 11:34 PM BST

Hi Ollet,
How do you do well at stand up comedy? You tell the best Jokes you can with confidence and presents

It certainly might get them on your side. Especially if you're playing the FIFA barn dance.

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