Friday 6th June 2014 11:25am
North London
6,162 posts
Quote: keewik @ 5th June 2014, 10:28 PM BST
Good for him! Mine was in the navy. I know he was at Dunkirk but he just did not speak about the war. When he came home from hospital after being diagnosed with cancer, we could hear him having a nightmare one night where he thought he was being dive-bombed by the enemy. I don't know if it related to real life. How I wish I'd tried to get him to talk about the war.
I think we all sort of wish that. I know my Father was a private in North Africa in 1944 and was promoted on an "Emergency Commission" to 2nd-Lieutenant in April 1945, but I've no idea what he actually had to do.
Many years later I gave him my Amstrad PC1512 computer for him to write his memoirs, but he never got around to doing more than the Chapter Titles. and a few handwritten notes 
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 5th June 2014, 11:50 PM BST
Here's a moral and ethical dilemma for you keewik - Guns or Monarchy? At the moment, the Queen is head of the armed forces and our only defence against a corrupt parliament.
We do have the House of Lords too, though nowadays it is mostly filled with Parliamentary appointees.
I seem to recall the Military do swear to defend "Queen and Country" in that sequence, but I suspect that if the Queen ordered the Army to arrest all the MPs there would be a lot of confused soldiers.
Still they do keep a lot of handy barracks in London, just in case
. There's one just up the road from Big Ben, with horses & swords, and another big barracks just north of The Queen And Artichoke pub.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 5th June 2014, 11:50 PM BST
In America and other countries, enough of the citizenry is sufficiently armed to stage a revolution, but here in the UK, if a police state takes over and uses the military to carry out it's deeds, we're pretty much screwed.
Is this your dream RC, a pub-smoking armed militia (
) all set to overthrow the Government and the Royalty.
) Probably mostly formed from football supporters & chavs.