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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,575

Quote: sootyj @ 20th May 2014, 2:41 PM BST

Really what wrecked lives are you referring to. Labour introduced ATOS tests, relocation and slashed benefits for refugees, 2 awful wars and evicting the vulnerable from council homes

Not to mention continuing the selling off of even more government services.

Here's the thing the Conservatives, barring wars are still measurably worse.

Okay, it's a given that my number one gripe is the smoking ban, but that aside, under Labour's recent tenure - the constant rises in VAT, Stamp Duty, fuel duty, the Green tax, National Insurance increases, the open door immigration policy that depressed wages and put British people out of work, the numerous and expensive ill fated government schemes from ID cards to PFI, selling off our gold at rock bottom prices and the list goes on and on.

In other news: domestic violence is hilarious -

Quote: Jennie @ 20th May 2014, 2:14 PM BST

I hope you mean that you have never voted for the incumbent MEP, rather than you have never voted in European elections. People died so we could vote. It always makes me cross when people don't.

No, people died so we wouldn't be ruled by a strong Germany or invaded by foreigners. And yes, it's the first time I'm voting for an MEP - because it's the first time I've been given a choice about EU membership.

Quote: sootyj @ 20th May 2014, 3:58 PM BST

2 days is not a long time.

Especially as the combined resources of the world haven't been able to find a whole airliner full of people yet.

Exactly, people died for the right of self-determination. Voting is the exercise of self-determination.

Emily Davison died for women's suffrage. Many more would have followed if change had not come when it did.

If you don't like the system or the choice, spoil your ballot paper.

Quote: Jennie @ 20th May 2014, 5:19 PM BST

If you don't like the system or the choice, spoil your ballot paper.

But I do like the choice this year, so I will be voting. With I imagine thousands of new MEP voters. Blaming low voter turn out on the people and not the parties lets them off the hook.

I also know my vote this year will lead to the main political parties changing their policies to be inline with the concerns of the people.

Will Labour ever let me smoke in a pub again? No way, those bunch of c**ts want to ban e-cigs and smoking in beer gardens. But they might be pressured into holding a referendum on Europe - where I can vote again.

Do you see how it's working now, this democracy stuff?

But you implied you didn't like the choice previously, so didn't vote. I'm saying not liking the choice is not a reason not to attend the polling station.

Blaming low voter turnout on the parties not the people is letting the people off the hook. We each have a responsibility.

Quote: Jennie @ 20th May 2014, 5:38 PM BST

But you implied you didn't like the choice previously, so didn't vote. I'm saying not liking the choice is not a reason not to attend the polling station.

Blaming low voter turnout on the parties not the people is letting the people off the hook. We each have a responsibility.

I would take your argument far more seriously if left wingers didn't try to encourage me to vote for Labour / Lib Dem - who aren't offering a referendum and are denying everyone a democratic vote about our future in Europe.

'Vote for the party who won't let you vote!'

If you were serious about democracy, you'd encourage everyone to vote UKIP / Conservative.

The rise of UKIP and it's popularity go to show that a lot of people didn't like the choices they were given either. Instead of spoiling their ballot papers, which would have achieved nothing, they decided to use their votes where they were needed and now things are changing.

Thankfully there is choice now and I won't have to be the turkey voting for either Christmas or Thanksgiving.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 20th May 2014, 5:27 PM BST

Will Labour ever let me smoke in a pub again?


Kim Jung Un didn't shoot his ex shocker!

UKIP will hopefully be looked back at with nothing more than befuddlement in a few years. People are looking at the one surface thing that they shout about and ignoring the mountain of shit beneath, even though it's not even hidden, it's all there to peer at whilst holding your nose. Has their rise stirred things up a bit? Sure. So that's sort of good. But the idea of actually voting for them? Come off it.

I'm a happy camper if racism lite UKIP replace nasty bastards BNP.

None of the major parties want to do well in the Euro elections so its open to all kinds of everything.

BNP losing their MEPs all that funding and having to go back to encouraging their members to eat roadkill.

Yes please.

Though I'd prefer to see the Greens come out ahead.

Quote: sootyj @ 20th May 2014, 7:47 PM BST

I'm a happy camper if racism lite UKIP replace nasty bastards BNP.

Let's ditch both of them instead. With... something. Something nice. Cake.

You're party of the international Mr Kiplings conspiracy.

But I dunno in a democracy every voice has a right to be heard, including one's you don't agree with. I'd never vote UKIP, but I find ice cream van politics where the major parties are so closely linked to be pretty scary.!slide=aol_2625691

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ 20th May 2014, 7:31 PM BST

But the idea of actually voting for them? Come off it.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ 20th May 2014, 7:51 PM BST

Let's ditch both of them instead.

I'll vote for whomever I please and for policies I identify with. UKIP were attacked in Croydon today and the police had to intervene. This country's lack of respect for democracy is sickening - and here are people trying to lecture me about the importance of voting. Ha.

Speaking of Croydon, it has black UKIP candidates standing for election, but thanks to the constant lies about racism, they're not going to win. Oh the irony.

UKIP are to BNP what Obama is to African Islamic extremists. I'm still waiting, as I have been for the last few months, for one of you to point out a single racist policy from UKIP. Enjoy your lies tyranny lovers.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 20th May 2014, 8:50 PM BST

I'll vote for whomever I please

Good for you.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 20th May 2014, 8:50 PM BST

Enjoy your lies tyranny lovers.


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 20th May 2014, 8:50 PM BST

I'm still waiting, as I have been for the last few months, for one of you to point out a single racist policy from UKIP.

I don't believe I mentioned racism.

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