Quote: Jennie @ 10th April 2014, 8:20 PM BST
The reason the group targeted women was because it is still socially unacceptable for women to be seen to be "out of control" when it comes to food.
It is why we have size zero models, secret binge eating and "all you can eat" competitions populated almost entirely by men.
Eating is somehow seen as unfeminine and eating in a public place is the very epitome of that.
You haven't looked at the group, RCP, but I have. The majority of the people posting and commenting are men. The comments are entirely negative - they either openly make fun of the woman or make inappropriate comments about what she is wearing or the way she is eating (the banana girl got the worst of all).
I don't think society views women eating as socially unacceptable. The fact the Facebook group only had 14,000 members goes to prove that point. By extrapolating the argument that minority Facebook pages reflect the norm, then everyone was in favour of the London Riots and Raoul Moat's cop killing antics.
Similarly, eating in a public place is not seen as unfeminine, eating in an enclosed public space is rude and inconsiderate for both men and women - try eating a McDonalds in church or a curry in the Men's toilets at Euston Station.
There is pressure on everyone to be thin, but as women don't like exercising much, they go the lazy starving route - 'food is a feminist' issue could also be called 'not going down the gym is a feminist issue'. Women also judge people by their looks more then men and are hyper critical.
On the plus side, I like the way these future protests are going - I don't want pictures of me eating on the Tube being put on the Internet, so I'm going to protest by letting people take pictures of me on the Tube eating food. I wonder if Caroline Lucas will be getting her baps out for Page 3?
Quote: sootyj @ 10th April 2014, 8:34 PM BST
You do realise that seeing the world as an amorphous mass and you as the only unique individual, is on the symptons lists for a wide range of psychiatric illnesses.
You would say that you bloody man-droid. I bet it was you who killed catskillz.