Quote: Jennie @ 2nd April 2014, 11:47 PM BSTI love Aldi. I live in Catford - we are grateful just to be able to eat. I have to hide my Waitrose bags though, doesn't go down well.
My Waitrose sugar aisle contemplation was disturbed today by two little brats trying to get in my way. Was about to unleash my fury upon them, until the mother shouted "Theodora, Dorothea, come to mummy." Figured the kids had enough to worry about in life.
I love supermarkets. I think it is why I have suddenly discovered Mumsnet. I am prematurely middle aged.
Actually I have to admit I enjoy 'going the messages' as we say in Scotland, so you would be an acceptable daughter-in-law to me if you will only quell this obsession with Waitrose.