I got this rejection letter today from a script I sent off back in January, and I think as rejections go it's quite encouraging, though I haven't really got much to compare it to. This is the first one I've had from anyone who's actually read the thing beyond page ten.
Dear [ME]
Thank you for sending us a copy of your script. I have now read and discussed it with the development department.
We enjoyed the warmth and humour you delivered but I'm afraid we don't think there is enough narrative to keep a TV audience hooked. So given our current development priorities we do not feel that it is the right project for us to take on for further development.
Thanks again for introducing us to your work and we wish you every success if you develop the idea further.
Best wishes,
Development Script Editor
So, I guess if I'd have written a story to go with the character and setting, I'd have been greenlit right now. So close. I'm unsure of the final line though; if it's just a general wishing of success if I can develop the idea further (with someone else) or them leaving the door slightly ajar should I want to send it back after a rewrite. Or if it's just a nice way of saying "This is underdeveloped." And is "Thanks for introducing us to your work" just a nice way of ending a rejection letter, or do they now have my name in a rolodex of potential writers for future commissions? How do these things work? Is my dream still alive?!