It's about this time of year that we get enquiries about format. 'How do I lay my script out for Sitcom Mission?'
We used to answer that we're not format fascists here at Sitcom Mission towers, but that lay us open to single-spaced horrors such as:
BILL Hi, Ben. Got anything interesting to say?
BEN: Not really. You?
BILL: Nah.
Even worse was this:
BEN: (TO BILL) Thought of anything yet?
BILL: (TO BEN) I thought you were the interesting one?.
BEN: (TO BILL) What's with all this parenthetical crap, anyway?
BILL: (TO BEN) Not sure the writer's ever seen a script before.
Etc, etc. It makes your brain ache.
The short answer is: read lots of sitcom scripts and make yours look similar. There are slight variations, but if you copy the general look of the online examples, we'll be happy. At least you won't make our eyes bleed.
Here are a couple of links to lots of examples: