RC is bit like a pirate, he buries his wisdom in islands of bullshit.
The current cancer campaigns chill me a bit for a few reasons. First of all not everyone see's it as a great battle to be won, most people who die of cancer are quite old.
And some, well some just want a quiet dignified end not an extra year or 2 (Marie Curie had a very good ad on this)
Secondly there's something quite bullying about it all. Don't go out for a night, have a night in with our party pack and cheap chardonnay, because we want all your money. Appear on facebook with no make up and we reserve the right to harass you in the street, by phone, by email.
It's like a cult or something out of North Korea. And we will bully you and bully you until you give.
And finally what are they actually doing with all that money? Well what? Having worked for a charity, a lot of good but they're rarely honest about exactly what. Charities should be more honest about the fact that mostly they supplement government funds.