Tuesday 18th March 2014 9:58pm
2,720 posts
GIANT 1: Afternoon, Silas.
GIANT 2: Afternoon, Garth. Hey, I like your little leather jerkin.
GIANT 1: Yes. I often find it useful to wear in situations like this where everything is to scale, so that people know we're giants.
GIANT 2: Clever.
GIANT 1: Right, I think the bread is ready.
GIANT 2: Brilliant! I love bread.
[GIANT 1 opens the large kitchen range and brings out a platter of very sorry, flat, unpleasant looking loaves]
GIANT 1: Another duff batch, I'm afraid.
GIANT 2: Blast it! I've got an idea. Perhaps we should increase the yeast by 10% and - call me crazy - add some buttermilk. What do you say?
GIANT 1: OK, we *could* do that. But I think - and I'm just going to come right out and say it - that we should change the flour we always use.
GIANT 2: You reckon?
GIANT 1: Yes. Quite certain. You see, most flour is manufactured from corn, or wheat, or any one of a wide variety of crops. It is, however, rarely, if ever, made from bones.
GIANT 2: Are you sure?
GIANT 1: Quite certain. I don't think anyone's ever looked at a skeleton and thought, "you know, that would be a good culinary ingredient, if I smooshed it down to dust". Except you.
GIANT 2: I'm pretty sure they use it in France.
GIANT 1: No they don't. No nation on the earth creates osseous flour, and we are looking at the reason why. It doesn't work.
GIANT 2: But, we have to use the bone flour. I promised.
GIANT 1: Promised who?
GIANT 2: You know, the donators. The bonees. I say "Fee! Fi! Fo! Fum!" - yadda yadda yadda - "grind his bones to make my bread!".
GIANT 1: I don't suspect they'll raise much resistance, to be brutally frank.
GIANT 2: But it's the ethics of the thing. I can't lie
GIANT 1: Some might say the higher ethical stance would be to not flay anyone who happens to wander anywhere near your house, but that's by the by. Just don't say it . Try "Fe Fi", whatever, "I'll kill you and grind up your bones". Nobody's going to start asking, "Really? Then what?" . I promise.
GIANT 2: Wee-llll. I'm not convinced. Anyway, in the mean time, I'm hungry - stuff the bread, how about we knock up an omelette?
GIANT 1: Oh, right, yeah: about these golden eggs...