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Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle - Series 3 Page 6

Quote: lofthouse @ 9th March 2014, 8:05 PM GMT

The whole Indian/Pakistani , anglo-Saxons, beaker people, Neolithic , fishes etc thang

I know it was only a comedy programme and I'd hate to rip Lee's premise apart with facts, history, statistics, the differences between mass economic immigration, invasion, refugees, explorers, etc.

I'm not even going to mention that the further he went back, the more we gained from immigration and that he failed to mention what the Eastern Europeans are giving us in terms of technological innovations and that the best he could come up with for Indian / Pakistani people was curry.

I could mundanely go on about Lee concentrating on the positive aspects of mass immigration only - 'The Polish come here to fix our broken things' - they certainly didn't fix the construction industry who abandoned all UK apprenticeships and hired cheap Eastern Europeans instead.

And I'm not even going to mention the wonderful new things I've learned from the influx of friendly foreigners in the last few years including honour killings, female genital mutilation, forced marriages, burkas, gender specific abortions, fatwas and public book burnings.

Heck, I'm even in two minds to mention that ten times as many Polish people came to Britain in the last 10 years then the entire Huguenot exodus from France to Britain.

Is it fair that I have mentioned the negative aspects of mass immigration to shore up UKIP's position? Is it fair Lee used the inverse to shore up his position?

He's famous and on telly and I'm not, so no doubt his words are much more accurate and truthful than my pathetic, anonymous, shambolic diatribes, obviously.

I thought the UKIP bit was great, but that the rest was just filler.

Signed, Faceless Pavlov.

P.S. people like standups who reflect their own thoughts to some extent. That's why Jim Davidson and Jethro are popular with twats.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 9th March 2014, 10:48 PM GMT

I know it was only a comedy programme and I'd hate to rip Lee's premise apart with facts, history, statistics, the differences between mass economic immigration, invasion, refugees, explorers, etc.

I'm not even going to mention that the further he went back, the more we gained from immigration and that he failed to mention what the Eastern Europeans are giving us in terms of technological innovations and that the best he could come up with for Indian / Pakistani people was curry.

I could mundanely go on about Lee concentrating on the positive aspects of mass immigration only - 'The Polish come here to fix our broken things' - they certainly didn't fix the construction industry who abandoned all UK apprenticeships and hired cheap Eastern Europeans instead.

And I'm not even going to mention the wonderful new things I've learned from the influx of friendly foreigners in the last few years including honour killings, female genital mutilation, forced marriages, burkas, gender specific abortions, fatwas and public book burnings.

Heck, I'm even in two minds to mention that ten times as many Polish people came to Britain in the last 10 years then the entire Huguenot exodus from France to Britain.

Is it fair that I have mentioned the negative aspects of mass immigration to shore up UKIP's position? Is it fair Lee used the inverse to shore up his position?

He's famous and on telly and I'm not, so no doubt his words are much more accurate and truthful than my pathetic, anonymous, shambolic diatribes, obviously.


Quit trying to over analyse everything !

Pull up a chair

Switch on the telly


Laugh or don't

Switch off

Have a brew


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 9th March 2014, 1:19 AM GMT

I guess it's easy to champion mass immigration and deride UKIP when you're not personally effected by immigration in your most ivory of towers.

It's just as easy to deride immigrants and champion UKIP when you're not personally affected by sending them all back. He hinted at this with one of the jokes in the show didn't he?

And as always with those who attack UKIP, no mention or criticism of the policies, just useless spin.

They don't have policies, they're a single issue party that no longer even has a manifesto.

Quote: paulted @ 7th March 2014, 5:26 PM GMT

I've tried to like him but he just doesn't do it for me. I think he fancies himself as deep and intellectual and he thinks he's oh so clever, the sort who'd say that you're thick if you don't get his humour. Disappointing.

He's just not likeable in any way for me and his targets are often very easy ones. I can take around five minutes of his act and then I want to grab him by his stupid old fashioned hair and throw him into a mincer and when I say mincer I don't mean a mincer like Dale Winton but a meat mincer. Although saying that throwing him into Dale Winton would be quite satisfying too.

Quote: Dr Sanchez @ 11th March 2014, 12:02 AM GMT

his stupid old fashioned hair

You've just supplied him with material for a 20 minute routine.

Quote: gappy @ 11th March 2014, 11:07 AM GMT

You've just supplied him with material for a 20 minute routine.

Which to be fair, is him repeating that statement many times over.

He does look like what would have happened if Morrisey couldn't sing.

Quote: Crystal Staples @ 10th March 2014, 11:39 PM GMT

It's just as easy to deride immigrants and champion UKIP when you're not personally affected by sending them all back. He hinted at this with one of the jokes in the show didn't he?

And this is where both you and Stewart Lee are getting it wrong. UKIP have made no official statements or policies about repatriation. Where you got 'sending them all back' from I don't know. Maybe like Lee, you let the media influence your perceptions.

Quote: lofthouse @ 10th March 2014, 9:15 PM GMT


Quit trying to over analyse everything !

Sorry from now on I will limit my critical analysis to -


'Well I liked it'

'It made me laugh'




It's not like the BCG is a comedy forum where people can discuss humour in great detail. Unimpressed

Quote: Dr Sanchez @ 11th March 2014, 12:02 AM GMT

He's just not likeable in any way for me

Could not disagree more. I think Stewart Lee is a great stand up, a consummate professional with superb timing and impressive stage presence. I've been a fan of his since the Fist of Fun days and though not everything he says is comedy gold, he is immensely watchable.

In a world of Rhod Gilberts, Russell Howards and Adam Hills-eses, you can visibly see and audibly hear the gulf of comedic quality.

The only solo act that can be regarded as a straight man.....

Re: the British Asian thing referred to earlier: Paul Sinha (who is Premier League in my book) was one of the comedians on the 'extras/red button' on the 1st series.

I liked this one. The going back through various stages I thought was very clever and amusing.

The first ep's ending (on the phone) irritated me a bit, as it seemed to drag on where the end of the routine should be. I realise that that no doubt WAS the routine, but it still grated a bit.


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 11th March 2014, 1:23 PM GMT

Could not disagree more. I think Stewart Lee is a great stand up, a consummate professional with superb timing and impressive stage presence. I've been a fan of his since the Fist of Fun days and though not everything he says is comedy gold, he is immensely watchable.

Yeah, well that's like your opinion maaaaaan.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 11th March 2014, 1:23 PM GMT

And this is where both you and Stewart Lee are getting it wrong. UKIP have made no official statements or policies about repatriation. Where you got 'sending them all back' from I don't know. Maybe like Lee, you let the media influence your perceptions.

I can't honestly blame anyone for letting the media influence them, now UKIP have disowned their own manifesto then the media are able to project anything onto that blank canvas. They've only themselves to blame for that, really.

Quote: Dr Sanchez @ 11th March 2014, 8:43 PM GMT

Yeah, well that's like your opinion maaaaaan.

Clue was in the way they didn't use inverted commas and attribute it as a quote to someone else. :P

Quote: Crystal Staples @ 12th March 2014, 12:29 AM GMT

the media are able to project anything onto that blank canvas.

Not just the media it seems but popular comedians like Stewart Lee and left wing stereotypes who enjoy bigotry. What is more depressing is that liberal stand ups are using UKIP as a license to tell racist, homophobic and xenophobic jokes. It's a lazy way of telling un-PC gags and putting the blame on someone else.

Quote: Phoenix Lazarus @ 12th March 2014, 12:16 PM GMT

Clue was in the way they didn't use inverted commas and attribute it as a quote to someone else. :P

Hey, I used to work in PR, I can spin out advertorial as well as the next man, I resent the implication that I plagiarized my comments. Now I have to go, Joe Pasquale is in my garden.

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