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The Sitcom Trials 2014 Page 2

Here are my votes! Overall, 6 YES, 7 MAYBE and 14 NO.

A Civil Defence Matter - NO
Well-written, with clear characters and a good plot, but I didn't find it funny at all.

A Power Struggle (Rodeway) - NO
Some of the dialogue sparkled, but otherwise it didn't really seem to be going anywhere.

Amen Coke Break - NO
The basic set-up was okay and the characters were certainly vivid, but there weren't enough funny moments. I also felt that as it went on, it became harder to believe in the way the story was developing.

And The Lord Said - NO
I felt this was trying too hard to be controversial, while lacking any stand-out characters. Not enough laughs.

Anything For The Weekend - MAYBE
The characters didn't interest me, but the story was okay and I think that there's potential in the overall set-up. Another one that I felt could grow with some more work.

Bankers - MAYBE
There were some decent jokes, and although the characters weren't wildly original, they held my interest. I think that with some development work, and a more involving story, this could go somewhere.

Becky The Squirrel - YES
Slightly off the wall, but I felt it gathered momentum as it went on and I'd like to read more. The dialogue was very well-written, probably less stilted than any of the other scripts I read. Probably my second favourite of all the ones I read.

Black Cabs Blow My Fuses - NO
Nice characters and set-up, but none of the jokes worked for me and the overall concept feels very limited.

Bulldog Rusholme - NO
This was another script that seemed more like a sketch than the basis for a sitcom. The character was certainly well-defined, but I didn't find the script particularly funny.

Cloud Nine - YES
This had a nice atmosphere, kind of melancholy and lots of cliche, but I wouldn't say it was particularly funny. Needs tightening up, as some of the dialogue was more like a series of monologues. Still, it's one of the ones that I remember the best after reading all the entries, so it must have something going for it. A cautious yes based on the belief that it has promise.

Game of Shops - MAYBE
I didn't laugh at all, but the format has potential so I'd like to see how it develops.

Good Grief - YES
I liked this one, and it was probably the most consistently funny of all the ones I read. Some good jokes, and no real clangers. Plotting and characterisation were also very good. I'd definitely like to see how this could develop, because I think both the characters and the situation have potential.

Hurricane Virginia - MAYBE
Some good lines, but the characters lack depth. Would need to read more to see if the basic idea can be developed. Overall, I felt that the writing was good but the concept needs work.

Ivory Towers - MAYBE
I liked the dialogue, and there were some funny lines, but the characters felt too basic and one-dimensional.

Jungle Fury - NO
Started quite well, but I felt the characters and plot got bogged down as it went on.

Living With Paul - MAYBE
Started well. I liked the writing, but it felt like a sketch rather than the start of anything longer. I'd be curious to see how the writer intends to develop the story and characters.

Nat The Worms - YES
A lot of exposition, and some of the characters felt flat. However, I thought there was the germ of a good idea here, and the main character stood out (even if some of the others didn't), so I think it'd be worth a go. The basic idea is good, just needs some development work, which I guess is the whole point of this competition!

Open Mic Night - NO
Only really seemed to have one joke, which kept getting hammered into the ground.

PS I Hate You - NO
I didn't feel the plot was really going anywhere, and there weren't enough funny moments.

Real True Spiritual Shop - NO
A few good lines, but the set-ups felt forced to me and overall I felt as if it was just going from one gag to another without any sense of an overall story.

School Of Hard Knocks - NO
Most of the jokes seemed forced, and the characters weren't very interesting. A bit of a slog to get to the end.

Seen - MAYBE
Plot never seemed to develop very much, but there were some nice lines and the characters held my interest.

The Fundamentals - YES
Some of the dialogue was very good, and the characters kept my interest. Not sure where it goes next, but I'd like to find out.

The London Bucket List - NO
Seemed very under-developed and not ready for submission.

The Sirens Coming - NO
Good opening, but didn't seem to go anywhere and not enough jokes.

The Terror Merchants - NO
None of the jokes really worked for me, and the plot wasn't strong enough to keep me interested.

I guess the subject matter (and language, in one or two scenes) might put a few people off...

Here are my votes for the sitcom trials. No offence if I didn't find any of them funny it's just different jokes for different folks,i suppose!

Real-True spiritual shop- Didn't find it funny- No

Ticking Over- I didn't find it funny- No

A civil defence matter- One or 2 laughs but not enough -maybe

A power struggle-I thought there were some funny ideas and lines here - yes

A swiss connection- some funny bits.characters a bit mean spirited- maybe

Adapting- Quite funny. Some nice lines in here- Yes

Amen- Didn't really find it funny- no

And the lord said- Didn't really get into the plot or find it funny - no

Anything for the weekend- Seemed more like a drama than a comedy but there were some funny lines with the fax and boy george bits- maybe

Bankers- Were some quite funny lines here - maybe

Becky the squirrel - some good lines here - maybe

Black cab detective- an eye test - couple of funny moments but not enough to really keep me interested - maybe

Black cab detective- blow my fuse - I didn't find this one funny - no

Bulldog Rusholme - I didn't find it funny - no

CEO - I didn't really get into it or find it funny - no

Cloud nine - didn't find it funny - no

Dave- This is mine so I'll give it a- yes

Divorce - Thought this was quite funny. Had some good funny lines - yes

First position - Some good lines here - maybe

Fletcher Mallard - Didn't get into it - no

Game of shops - didn't find it funny - no

Gems ready meals - didn't find it funny - no

Good grief- Thought this was quite good. A few funny moments from the doctor - yes

Hurricane Virginia - Thought it started okay but then faded a bit - maybe
Ivory towers - didn't find it funny - no

Jungle fury - didn't find it funny - no

Living with Paul - Couldn't really get into it and didn't find it funny - no

Nat - the worms - didn't find it funny - no

Open mic night - didn't find it funny - no

Ps I hate you- I thought the subject matter was maybe more like a sketch but it was good. I could imagine someone like Eric Morecambe as Henry the 8th yes

School of hard knocks - didn't find it funny - no

Seen - some of it was okay. Maybe would be a good sketch - maybe

The fundamentals some good lines here - maybe

The London bucket list - very short and I didn't think it was funny - no

The sirens coming - Didn't get into it or think it was funny - no

The terror merchants - Didn't get into it. Didn't find it funny. - no

Tragedy - Didn't find it funny no

XXX - Didn't find it funny - no

Just saw I didn't vote on Adapting, I pride myself on voting on all scripts, I'm easily pleased

This script seemed to dip in and out. There was good lines but they seemed buried. But if it was tightened up I could see my vote changing, but for now NO

Woke up feeling like I'd be in the top 10, now I have more chance having a top 10 single!

Okay, here are my votes. I didn't manage to get through them all, so apologies if I didn't get to yours. I was conscious that going through them in alphabetical order would favour those towards the start of the list, so I decided to be awkward and go through them backwards.

I'd like to suggest a change in the way people vote in order to give everyone a better chance of having their scripts read. If everybody has to read a set number, for example 10, and starts with the script immediately after theirs in the list, then there would be a more even spread of reviews. If you get to the end of the list and you haven't read the allocated amount, you go back to the start of the list and continue from there. Anyway, it's just a suggestion...

So, on to the always, please don't be offended if I didn't go for yours, reading through the scripts and other reviews makes it clear just how subjective comedy is. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read mine.

A Civil Defence Matter - NO
A group of UKIP wannabes getting worked up about health tourists. I didn't really get much of the humour in this one.

AMEN - Coke Break - NO
Cocaine in a convent. Not funny.

Anything for the weekend - YES
The men of the house try to make up for a birthday mishap. This moved quickly and had some funny lines.

A group of hungover bankers attempt to raise money quickly to save their jobs. I fund this very funny and it flowed nicely.

Becky the Squirrel - YES
Author and illustrator trying to decide on their next book. This was quite different and flowed well. Some funny dialogue in there too.

First Position (Episode Three: Vanessa's Big Break) - NO
I like the idea of two dancers with one in a wheelchair, but the relationship between Vanessa and Emily should have been explored more, rather than Vanessa versus Nadia.

Fletcher Mallard - Classified - YES
Fletcher is definitely not writing a memoir. I could see you getting a few stories out of this family. The characters were all distinct. Could possibly have done with a few more jokes.

GAME OF SHOPS (Episode One: Office Magic) - NO
Martin is transported to a land of shops where he's considered a good... I think. To be honest, I found this quite confusing and didn't get many of the jokes. Could be my ignorance.

Gems - Ready Meals - NO
Gem decides to sell dodgy ready meals. I found this one quite hard to follow and there aren't enough jokes for my looking

Good Grief - NO
Introvert doctor has to speak to a patient's family. This started off quite well but the practice session went on too long.

Hurricane Virginia - NO
A loudmouth lawyer trying to get a witness statement. I felt this started okay, but it didn't really go anywhere.

Ivory Towers (Episode One: Testing Times) - NO
University staff competing to save their jobs. Didn't really get into this one and it could have done with more jokes.

Jungle Fury - NO
Englishmen in the jungle in search of gold. The was a lot of dialogue in this, but not enough of it was funny. It also got quite confusing near the end.

Living With Paul (Episode One) - MAYBE
Psychotic flat mates. The premise is certainly different. The dialogue moves quickly and there are some funny bits in there but it seems to trail off a bit at the end.

Nat - The Worms - NO
Nat is exhausted from a night shift and overdoses on coffee while trying to avoid her neighbour. I found this quite long and it could be funnier. The coffee and neighbour stuff seemed too drawn out.

Open Mic Night (Episode One) - NO
An open mic night in a retirement home. There wasn't much of a story to this and the jokes were crude.

PS I Hate You (Episode One: The War of the Roses) - NO
Henry VIII in marriage counselling. A nice idea but this could have done with more more laughs. Possibly more suited to a sketch.

Real-True Spiritual Shop - NO
I like the idea of a sitcom in this setting and the idea that Nick is only there because he fancies Alma. It started okay, but was just too crude for my liking.

School Of Hard Knocks - NO
Trisha wants to get a wrestling scholarship. There were some funny bits in this, but there was too much exposition- too much talking about the past and not enough happening in the present.

Seen! - NO
Seems to be just two people talking nonsense with no real plot. I could see something like this working as a sketch, but it was just drawn out too much.

The Fundamentals - MAYBE
Greengrocers declare jihad on an elderly customer. There was some funny dialogue in there and I liked the ending.

The London Bucket List - NO
This was very short and didn't make much sense to me.

The Sirens Coming - Pilot - NO
The mystery of the dead pig. It's very different and there are some funny lines in there, but it seems to resolve very suddenly in the end, possibly due to the 15 minute limit.

The Terror Merchants - NO
A couple in a convalescence home decide to become terrorists. Found this one hard to follow.

TICKING OVER - Going Nowhere Fast - YES

Tragedy - MAYBE
Ctoleus (the kappa is not silent) attempts to fulfill his destiny. I like this idea and there are some funny lines in there, but it seemed to trail off at the end.

XXX (Episode One) - NO
Sex shop worker fancies customer. Other fancies cheese. Some funny bits but needs more laughs. could get tired after a while.

Sorry to say, between work and family, it's been rough getting to all the scripts this week. I've ready as many as I can for now, and I'm posting my scores below. If I have time to read more tonight and tomorrow, I will, but no promises. A lot of good material!

Script: A Civil Defence Matter
Rating: No
Though there are some humourous moments, it's kind of hard to follow the full reasoning behind the kidnapping.

Script: A Power Struggle
Rating: No
The majority of the jokes just seemed a little flat for me.

Script: Anything For The Weekend
Rating: Maybe
Like the title; and the characters are very likeable. The jokes were a little on the predictable side though.

Script: Becky the Squirrel
Rating: No
I admit, it's an interesting premise - and title. But the characters lack depth, and the storyline suffers from a few too many clichés.

Script: Cloud Nine
Rating: No
Showed some early promise, but unfortunately, I just didn't find enough funny moments in this one.

Script : First Position
Rating: Yes
Great concept, tons of laughs. Especially liked the times that Vanessa talked to her class.

Script: Hurricane Virginia
Rating: Yes
One of the most well-written scripts of the week, with great characters and dialogue.

Script: Open Mic Night
Rating: Maybe
A little rough around the edges, but shows promise. I mean, who can't picture potential hilarity inside a retirement home?

Script: School of Hard Knocks
Rating: Yes
Great premise, and dialogue that doesn't resort to pure scatological humour. Leaves me wanting to see more episodes.

Script: The Sirens Coming
Rating: Yes
Very pointed puns and jokes; plays like a parody of those CSI dramas. Enjoyed it thoroughly.

Script: The Terror Merchants
Rating: Yes
Mine. This was adapted from a stage play, so if the audience reaction at the theatre was any indication, I think this would make a great TV show.

Script: Ticking Over
Rating: Maybe
No big belly laughs, but amusing. Just hard for me to find something humourous about a car accident with a baby on board. But has potential.

i missed this sitcom trial. have they announced the next one and the theme?

onto the reviews

A Civil Defence Matter \\\ The episode didn't hold out for me
rating: no

A Power Struggle (Rodeway) \\\ quite a condensed plot. had an archer ofquickness about it
rating: yes

A Swiss Connection \\\ indirectly never really got into it
rating: no

AMEN - Coke \\\ Broke into ito it at a good time them and and the
rating: maybe

And the Lord Said \\\ as an outline it textured like vic of dibley so good
rating: yes

Anything for the weekend /// story never progessed to what it could have been
rating: no

BANKERS /// never had anough jokes
rating: no

Becky the Squirrel /// intersting concept but not the execution
rating: no

Black Cab Detective - An Eye Test /// could work better if rewritten and tightend up
rating: no

Black Cab Detective - Blow my Fuses! // same as the above. needs to be harshly edited
rating: no

Bulldog Rusholme - Marriage Councillor /// it needed more laughs
rating: no

CEO (Episode One: The Interview) // foudn this one funny. hope it does well
rating: yes

Cloud Nine: Pilot /// defo original. so props to that but not funny
rating: no

DAVE /// easy plot but the plot was too easy
rating: no

Divorce (Private People) /// I enjoyed many of the jokes
rating: yes

First Position (Episode Three: Vanessa's Big Break) /// I enjoyed that this was female orientated so was good
rating: yes

Fletcher Mallard - Classified \\\ it just need more jokes and better define charcaters
rating: no

GAME OF SHOPS (Episode One: Office Magic) /// it wasn't to my humour maybe someone else's though
rating: no

Gems - Ready Meals /// love ready meals. this has a low concept bug big potential
rating: no

Good Grief /// I couldn't align wthe the characters
rating: no

Hurricane Virginia /// the domineerance of the character was annoying
rating: no

Ivory Towers (Episode One: Testing Times) /// after page 3 it lost energy
rating: no

Jungle Fury /// fresh location but other than that
rating: no

Living With Paul (Episode One) /// seen similar shows in teh past
rating: no

Nat - The Worms /// the charcters never felt natural
rating: no

Open Mic Night (Episode One) /// after page two I lost interested
rating: no

PS I Hate You (Episode One: The War of the Roses)//// - was a bit too rom-comy
rating: no

Real-True Spiritual Shop /// I didnt get the hook to this
rating: no

School Of Hard Knocks /// dipped in and out of interest with this
rating: no

Seen! /// tbh it dragged on with out the require laughs
rating: no

The Fundamentals /// this is not as strong as the concept
rating: no

The London Bucket List /// not sure if this was a real entry but no
rating: no

The Sirens Coming - Pilot /// genre comedys are hard to write but had sparks
rating: maybe

The Terror Merchants /// I couldn't get deep inveted into the characters
rating: no

TICKING OVER - Going Nowhere Fast /// had a few jokes but the plot was going nowhere fast
rating: no

Tragedy //// could open so won't rate
rating: no

XXX (Episode One) /// not big on toilet humour
rating: no

Here are my votes and apologies for not being able to read them all.

Amen: No. A bit too hackneyed and jokes weren't strong.

A Swiss Connection: No. Don't think this would work on a stage.

Becky the Squirrel: No. Sorry, not for me. Didn't laugh.

Cloud 9: No. Not much seems to happen and there's a lot of sitting around talking.

Dave: No. Pretty mental, which is good, but it becomes tough over 14 pages. What was the cliffhanger?

Fletcher Mallard: Yes. It's mine.

Game of Shops: No. Imaginative, but I didn't laugh, sorry.

Gem's Kitchen: Maybe. Liked all the characters, apart from Gem, unfortunately.

Good Grief: Maybe. Funny, but slow moving. Anne is wasted, but Dr Parnell is a great character.

Greek Tragedy: Yes. Short, sweet and funny.

Hurricane Virginia: No. Too much talk between Virginia and Helen. Edward is slightly wasted and also does one or two things out of character.

Jungle Fury: No. Nice premise and the flashback made me laugh, but just not enough laughs elsewhere for me.

Ivory Towers: No. Quite long and not enough laughs.

Living with Paul: No. Characters weren't individual enough, far too many lines that didn't drive the plot.

The London Bucket List: No. Not really sure what this is, sorry.

Natalie: No. Very long! Most of the scenes could be cut down. And I didn't laugh, sorry.

Open Mic Night: No. Bit slow to start and I'd cut the Hayley Cropper stuff.

School of Hard Knocks: No. Jokes fell a bit flat and there's a fair amount of standing around talking about stuff that's happened.

Seen?! No. Needs a fair amount of cutting. Too much explanation of the jokes. Where's the plot/story?

The Terror Merchants: No. Takes a long while to get going. In fact, right up to just before the cliffhanger. Too much talking.

Ticking Over: Maybe. I like the idea, it's simple and it could work and likeable characters too, which matters. But Tony's decision to withhold the truth needs to be better set up, it then needs to go badly wrong for him and then he needs a bigger comeuppance at the end.

XXX: No. Was there a cliffhanger? A lot of talking and not many jokes.

My votes. Apologies for not reading every one, ran out of time! Enjoyed reading what I did.

03 Real True Spiritual Shop - YES. Original premise, funny jokes, diverse characters. Maybe a few of the jokes are crude for crude's sake, but that would be my only negative note, I really like it.

1. Ticking Over - NO. There are some nice beats, but a lot of the jokes are kind of predictable, and the first scene drags on. I'd almost start it in the office with the bump. The joke of having fallen asleep at the wheel is funny.

A Civil Defence Matter - YES. Really fun concept, love seeing things go wrong for these people! Only issue is it takes me awhile to figure out exactly what the characters are doing and for a plot to get going. Could be tightened at the top.

A Power Struggle - NO. Some hilarious lines, good language and rhythm. But it's a bit confusing and convoluted. Also, some of the jokes feel very random, not tied to the character or the story, just an excuse to say something shocking.

A Swiss Connection - YES. A lot of funny, unexpected jokes, and a high stakes premise. I really liked the end. There are some plot elements missing and I got a bit lost at times. Just some spots where the script isn't entirely clear. I feel in a 30 minute format these issues, and this story, would be well served (and I'd watch a 30 minute show of this concept!)

Adapting - YES. Really funny characters, clear relationships, love the physical humour. A story that plays out nicely in this short format.

Amen - MAYBE. I love the concept and the situation, a well organized story. A couple of scenes drag on a bit though without as many laughs, like the scene where they figure out a dealer. The whole thing could be a hair shorter, given what a simple premise it is.

And The Lord Said - YES. So funny and unique, not like anything currently on TV. I love the period setting.

Anything For The Weekend - NO. Hard to vote no as I do like the characters. But they are constantly talking about things that have happened instead of what's happening right now. I don't want to hear about the 50th surprise party gone wrong, I'd rather see it.

Bankers - NO. I like the silliness of this and there are some fun, weird characters. But the story's not as well fleshed out as some of the others and I occasionally didn't understand who was who. I also don't know who I'd be rooting for.

Becky The Squirrel - YES. Great jokes, funny characters, a new spin on the plot of caring for a child. From page 1 it has unique conceits.

Black Cab Detective: Eye Test - YES. Funny premise, really unique characters, love the visual comedy. I will say the script could use a quick revision for clarity... just some typos and meandering lines that made it a tiny bit confusing at spots. But still really enjoyed.

Black Cab Detective: Blow My Fuses - NO. Jokes and premise felt forced on this one. I like these characters but Martin and Calre are talking AT each other a lot instead of honestly responding to each other. But I did enjoy Eleanor's monologue on page 8, that feels like the conceit of the series.

Bulldog Rushholme: NO - While I do like the concept and the main character, the dialogue was too on the nose. Could be much higher conflict given the premise.

First Position: YES - My script. I appreciate everyone's feedback, thank you for reading.

The London Bucket List: NO. Not enough going on here, but good possible future script when fleshed out.

Thanks to all who took the time to vote on my script, you have given be a lot to think about and some tips on how to take it forward.


The votes are all in, and I've now counted them all up, and then checked and double-checked that I've got it all right. 52 sets of revotes (it's a made up word I'm using, it'll never catch on) came in throughout the week, and these are the results:

Becky the Squirrel = 36
And the Lord Said = 22
Good Grief = 22
Bankers = 21
Amen = 15
A Swiss Connection = 14
Black Cab Detective - An Eye Test =13
Hurricane Virginia = 13
A Civil Defence Matter =12
Adapting = 12
First Position = 12

The Fundamentals = 9
Ivory Tower = 7
Real True Spiritual Shop = 7
A Power Struggle = 5
Dave = 3
Divorce = 3
Black Cab Detective - Blow My Fuses = 2
CEO = 2
Jungle Fury = 2
Seen! = 1
Living With Paul = -2
Anything for the Weekend = -3
Fletcher Mallard = -3
PS I Hate You = -3
The Sirens Coming = -3
School of Hard Knocks = -4
Nat - The Worms = -5
Tragedy = -5
Gem's = -6
Ticking Over = -6
Bulldog Rusholme = -9
Cloud Nine = -10
XXX Episode One = -10
The Terror Merchants = -12
Game of Shops = -13
Open Mic Night = -13
The London Bucket List = -19

As you can see there's a three way tie for tenth place, so we'll do the fair thing and make it a top eleven. These eleven sitcom scripts will be read by the Bristol team next weekend, when we'll pick FOUR to go through to the show on Friday April 4th. We'll keep an eye on a possible fifth, too, as a back-up. We'll let you know which four scripts these will be next Sunday or Monday, then we'll take them into rehearsals.

Congrats to the writers of these eleven, and commiserations to all the other writers. You all deserve a round of applause for taking part and being so splendid. I hope the feedback is useful, and that everyone enjoyed the experience.

In the interests of keeping everything above board and open,I'll upload the spreadsheet, showing all the votes, to the relevant folder.

Thank you all for your scripts, your feedback and votes, and for being brilliant.

Kind regards,


Congrats to all those in top ten. :)
Have fun in Bristol, When's the next sitcom trial competition? Should I start writing right away?


My improv group is back this wednesday in Kentish Town, come and shout funny suggestions, but best avoid game of thrones stuff as I should have done recently. have a tip top weekend


The Bristol team convened on Sunday to read through the top eleven shortlisted scripts, and we've now chosen the final five we're putting through to the show at the Wardrobe Theatre, on Friday April 4th (tickets available now).

The five sitcoms are (in no particular order):

"Pub" by the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre (carried through from the last show, which they couldn't make)

"Amen" by Gwen Cheeseman, Jen Cockburn, Aja Scanlon and Ella Vize

"A Civil Defence Matter" by Joe Brand

"Good Grief" by Rupert Aspden

"And the Lord Said" by James Alleyne.

In addition we'll be performing a short skit, written by a few of the team, based on the winning Pitch Fest entry from our last show back in November. Chris Dennis came up with the winning entry, which is called "You Aint Half Hot Mum".

Congrats to the Socks, Gwen, Jen, Aja, Ella, Joe, Rupert, James and Chris. Commiserations to the other writers - the standard this time round was exceptionally high, and it was very tough for us to pick the sitcoms that made it through. The readthrough was great fun, with all of us finding lots to appreciate in every one of the shortlisted scripts.

(Indeed, we were so torn over "Becky the Squirrel" - the script that garnered the most votes during the online read/review/vote process - that we've decided to do the fair thing and give it a free pass into the next Sitcom Trials show, whenever that might be. We did something similar a while back with a script called "Face Time", which again won the online read/review/vote thing.)

Comp tickets will be available for all the writers (including Chris Dennis), and I hope you'll all come along and say hello.

Kind regards,


Quote: Nekark Loon @ 15th March 2014, 11:31 AM GMT

Have fun in Bristol, When's the next sitcom trial competition? Should I start writing right away?

Not sure when the next one will be (almost certainly later this year, though), but yes you should start writing something. And send stuff off. Get lots of projects on the go, keep at it. That's really the only way to get anywhere - write lots, get better, keep sending things off. Good luck!


Don't forget, The Sitcom Trials returns to Bristol on Friday April 4th, with 5 brand new sitcoms going head to head and you choosing the best.

Details and tickets

The five sitcoms are (in no particular order):
"Pub" by the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre
"Amen" by Gwen Cheeseman, Jen Cockburn, Aja Scanlon and Ella Vize
"A Civil Defence Matter" by Joe Brand
"Good Grief" by Rupert Aspden
"And the Lord Said" by James Alleyne.

In addition the team will be performing a short skit, written by a few of the team, based on the winning Pitch Fest entry from our last show back in November. Chris Dennis came up with the winning entry, which is called "You Aint Half Hot Mum".

Book now, we'll see you all there and then.

The Sitcom Trials, The Wardrobe Theatre above The White Bear, 133 St Michaels Hill, Bristol BS2 8BS


The Sitcom Mission would like to congratulate Rupert Aspden on winning this year's Sitcom Trials and also our students Gwen Cheeseman, Jen Cockburn, Aja Scanlon, Ella Vize, Joe Brand and James Alleyne whose scripts were developed through our City Academy workshops. They were responsible for three of the four scripts in the final:

A Civil Defence Matter
And the Lord Said.

If you'd like to follow in their footsteps, our new round of Level 1 and Level 2 classes is about to kick off. For details click here:

Simon and Declan
The Sitcom Mission

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