Quote: faceless @ 28th February 2014, 12:39 AM GMT
Here he is on tonight's "This Week", promoting the new series. It's a pretty good interview compared to most, but I was a bit disappointed that he was cut off when talking about Chris Morris.
I watched that live and he said the BBC were moving his show forward so it doesn't influence the Clegg vs Farage Europe debate.
Stewart Lee attacking UKIP - now there's some bold and controversial comedy. How does he choose such contentious topics? I'm sure it will be eye opening stuff and not just the usual left wing stance on UKIP with well thought out satire and an original take on the situation.
Perhaps he'll touch upon Labour's deliberate open door immigration policy to explain the rise and popularity of UKIP...or maybe he'll just call them a bunch of mad old racists in the most reactionary dogmatic way possible.
I'm no psychic, but I imagine he's not a fan.