Now now Ken the Chinese have never been exactly shy about doling out the death sentence
I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,447
Quote: sootyj @ 10th February 2014, 12:31 PM GMTwith thou Kenneth
Have guns will travel. But the moment has been prepared for.
Oh leave him alone, he's atleast being honest.
And he never beat his wife with her prosthetic leg.
Quote: Kenneth @ 10th February 2014, 2:25 PM GMT
It's vital to buy up forests before they're destroyed and create well guarded national parks that local people will be proud of conserving.
So who's paying for this? Oh that's right, we'd have to. Why? Because dirty foreigns are corrupt to their core. Forget the palm oil, Mr. Ching wants his powered rhino penis for his lumbago and guess what, he's willing to pay top Yankee dollar to whichever African can post it to him. If you live in a mud hut and earn $1 a day, no amount of education or conservation is going to stop you putting a homemade bullet into the first endangered species that catches your eye. We've thrown huge amounts of money at these countries to get them to stop killing babies and starving to death and they still spunk it on Mercedes-Benzs, European trips and grand palaces. If their respect for human life is so low, what makes you think they're going to give a crap about a monkey?
Quote: Kenneth @ 10th February 2014, 2:25 PM GMTBut going out shooting rabbits, kangaroos, humans, tigers, wasps and prawns for pleasure is wrong. Boars should be caught the old-fashioned way.
Owning dogs and cats for pleasure is wrong, riding horses for pleasure is wrong, creating brand new breeds for pleasurable aesthetic reasons is wrong - hunting which is at the bottom of the list in terms of animal suffering has been severely maligned by the Disney generation. Hunting and the desire to hunt is not only part of our societal make up, it's the main reason we have a society in the first place.
Quote: sootyj @ 10th February 2014, 4:05 PM GMTAnd he never beat his wife with her prosthetic leg.
England Lady Football Captain Casey Stoney comes out as a fishwife, no one cares -
With sporting homosexualists all over the news lately, it seems the media are starting to get a bit jaded with the latest revelations. Obviously fame is a factor, no one really knows who Casey Stoney is and to be honest, a lesbian playing sports is hardly the biggest shock to the collective system.
I want to write lame puns about 'playing her in the hole' and 'the best lesbian footballer since Sami Nasri' but the thought of 11 naked lady footballers lezzing it off in the team bath keeps distracting me - for some reason.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 10th February 2014, 4:55 PM GMTSo who's paying for this?
Princes Charles and William, thanks. There's not a chance in hell they will, but it would be nice to put money where mouth is.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 10th February 2014, 4:55 PM GMTdirty foreigns are corrupt to their core. Forget the palm oil, Mr. Ching wants his powered rhino penis for his lumbago
Your casual racism with epithets such as "dirty foreigns" is rather distasteful. I think the palm oil industry is the biggest threat to endangered species in Sumatra and Borneo. Rhino penis will not cure lumbago. You want tiger fetuses for that. I don't think the trade in endangered species is being done by dirt poor geezers desperate for a Chinese dollar, rather, it is organized by military fellows. The kind of chaps who kill animals for fun and fill their houses and offices with "trophies" of dead animals. If Princes Charles and William are serious about saving endangered species, then these are the fellows they need to be dealing with:
Prince Charles: Stop killing the tigers and rhinoceroses because it is wrong.
Corrupt general: No, we don't like foreigners telling us what to do.
Prince Charles: But my son and I have made this video -
Corrupt general: I don't care.
Prince Charles: How about if I bought your jungles and on top that, I paid you to stop killing the rare animals?
Corrupt general: We don't allow foreign ownership - apart for oil fields and mines. You could pay us though, but we'll still end up killing the animals.
Prince Charles: So what to do?
Corrupt general: Perhaps support some education and training. Teach the next generation to respect animals.
Renegade Carpark: But you have no respect for human life, so how can you respect animals?
Corrupt general: Would you like to come hunting with me? I have lots of guns.
Renegade Carpark: I'd be delighted.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 10th February 2014, 4:55 PM GMTOwning dogs and cats for pleasure is wrong
Only if you are Paris Hilton with a canine fashion accessory or you have insufficient time and land to give a dog sufficient exercise. I'd venture that shooting animals for pleasure is worse than enjoying the companionship afforded by a pet.
Quote: Kenneth @ 10th February 2014, 7:59 PM GMTYour casual racism with epithets such as "dirty foreigns" is rather distasteful. I think the palm oil industry is the biggest threat to endangered species in Sumatra and Borneo. Rhino penis will not cure lumbago. You want tiger fetuses for that.
Yes, it is strange where I get these distasteful epithets from when Chinese funded poaching is wiping out endangered species all over the planet to fuel their bullshit, mumbo jumbo, pseudo-religious medical industry. Why in the hell would I think they were a bunch of backwards dirty foreigns who regularly flout international laws on the environment and conservation almost constantly?
Yeah, I've seen countless documentaries about poaching in Kenya, the old Generals you're referring to were not in evidence - but white military personnel were training the local gamekeepers how to stop the local poachers, all of whom were poor natives, a lot of them crossing the borders from nearby countries where conservation efforts were not in effect. If the locals weren't going to kill the elephants, then it just left more for their neighbours to slaughter.
It's a funny morality when you are outraged by one rich Western hunter killing one animal because he enjoyed it, but are seemingly ambiguous about the wholesale destruction of entire species because it's business.
I gotta say terms like dirty foreigns kills your argument before it gets started.
Which is a shame because sometimes you talk a lot of sense.
And if centuries of European opression hadn't shattered most of these cultures. Then they wouldn't be so broke and corrupt they're shooting their own elephants.
Most of which ended the middle of last century.
Andthat's before you include all the cold war messing about.
Seemingly floods cause kids to become Waffen SS . .

Quote: sootyj @ 10th February 2014, 11:38 PM GMTI gotta say terms like dirty foreigns kills your argument before it gets started.
As long as we're concentrating on my ironic casual racism rather then the issue at hand, then that's what is important. My arguments are also invalid if I misspell words, use the wrong apostrophe and substitute then instead of than.
Meanwhile, China is sponsoring worldwide animal slaughter and bribing corrupt government officials all over the Third World for their 'medicine'.
But let's concentrate on me, I'm the bad guy here.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 11th February 2014, 12:07 AM GMTAs long as we're concentrating on my ironic casual racism rather then the issue at hand, then that's what is important. My arguments are also invalid if I misspell words, use the wrong apostrophe and substitute then instead of than.
Meanwhile, China is sponsoring worldwide animal slaughter and bribing corrupt government officials all over the Third World for their 'medicine'.
But let's concentrate on me, I'm the bad guy here.
That's cheap but then you knew that.
It can be quite enlightening what you actually take offence at.
And irony is truly the last defence of a scoundrel.
Quote: sootyj @ 11th February 2014, 12:14 AM GMTThat's cheap but then you knew that.
So is blaming the West for Africa's corrupt tribal culture that has been going for thousands of years and China's backwards medicine trade that has also been going for thousands of years.
No, it can't be that, it must be our Imperialism from a century ago, that's what is causing all the animal suffering in the world.
Quote: sootyj @ 11th February 2014, 12:14 AM GMTIt can be quite enlightening what you actually take offence at.
Thank you.
Quote: sootyj @ 11th February 2014, 12:14 AM GMTAnd irony is truly the last defence of a scoundrel.
So ironic.
No I meant you're referencing poor English, but I'm guessing you knew that.
But you know what maybe you'll get lucky and a collection of Antipodean feminists will check in.
Or maybe a homophobic cosmonaut on the night shift at the International Space Station
Good luck.