Godot Taxis
Monday 10th February 2014 12:13am
5,760 posts
I've been critical of people lucking-in in this thread before, so time to acknowledge my own massive luck this week in getting Sterling subbed on after Terry unexpectedly didn't make the bench.
No-one expected Liverpool to roll over Arsenal, but for me the biggest upset of the week was the goal-less Norwich/City game. Give me some points from my three city players and I wouldn't have done badly. Even without Hazard's freak 'hat-trick'.
As for those who've done well this week and have gone up the table. It really is temporary success, if previous performances are a marker.
Steve is now ranked 702 in the world and has shinier balls than Dr. Manhattan. What can I say? I'd like to congratulate you Steve and say well done, but I prefer not to be a hypocrite and the reality is I hope you get hit by a large-wheelbase vehicle on the way to work, lose your memory and Chapman the rest of the season.