The never ending Zimbio - 'Which serial killer are you?', 'Which 1970s celebrity rapist are you?', etc. on Facebook.
An American friend of mine took the 'Which Star Trek character are you?' and got Riker. She wasn't happy about it, took the quiz again, changed her answers and got Uhuru. So what was the point of the quiz?
Disregarding the unscientific, ego massaging, blatantly flawed, written in an afternoon nature of these quizzes, what compels people to constantly do them? Do people wake up in the morning and not realise who they are? What is this desire to be lumped into a particular grouping based on the most superficial of evidence?
And hey, if the result doesn't live up to the dysmorphic, delusional and narcissistic view of yourself, you can always change it. Sure, you spend your weekends arranging your DVDs in alphabetical order instead of fighting Jedis, but you know in your heart that you are Darth Maul. You know, because you have so much in common.