Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 2nd February 2014, 9:06 PM GMT
The other lady tells this story from her pov on another forum: "yesterday a slow cow in front of me..."
That's the main reason I use the Unrecognised Item In Bagging Area machines, nothing's worse then being stuck behind an old lady loading her bags at the speed of cement at the till.
No go on, take your time, take all the time in the world, have a nice conversation with the checkout woman, no problem, now go looking for your purse, it's alright I have all day, oh you've finally found your purse - excelsior! Oh coupons, that's a twist, oh dear, they're out of date, why not debate that fact with the check out girl, maybe she can call the manager over, as expected, they're out of date so you're going to put that item back, that's just pure magic, I'll just stand here with my three items waiting for the register to remove that item and now we have a new total, brilliant. Go on, count the cash out of your pocketbook, what's that? You don't have enough money? Guess you'll be paying by card then, have a few goes at your PIN, let's make it a game and hoorah, you've eventually remembered on the third go. So I can just...oh no, forgot to get your bonus points, time to break out the pocketbook one more time and here we go, it's my turn. Nope, have to wait for you to put your bags back in the trolley and eventually move away at 1MPH.
Old Lady: 'Sorry dear'
Me: 'No, honestly, that's fine.'
Inside my brain: 'I'm gonna set fire to your heart medicine and throw you off a motorway bridge!!!