Thursday 21st February 2008 10:21pm [Edited]
263 posts
Quote: chipolata @ February 21, 2008, 3:56 PM
Would I be right in thinking that in the last episode of The Good Life Tom decides to go back to work? If that did happen, it was quite a bizarre and slightly subversive way to end the series.
Can't remember if he went back to work, didn't their garden get vandalised and then they vowed to rebuild it? (but that might have been the Blue Peter garden
I was wrong, the lounge was vandalised.
Last Episode of Series 4 :-
Due to the oil leak caused by Mrs Weaver's tank, much of the Good's garden is unusable, and Geraldine isn't producing any milk. These problems mean Tom is not in the mood to celebrate both his 42nd birthday and the second anniversary of self-sufficiency, but after Jerry succeeds Andrew at JJM, all four celebrate. However, when they go back to Tom and Barbara's they discover the living room has been vandalised.
(There was an Xmas special & a Royal Command performance broadcast after the above)
Quote: SlagA @ December 18, 2006, 10:15 AM
I think the freeze frame was the perfect place to stop in BA4. If it had shown them getting mowed down then I'd say it was going for the mawkish. The fade to poppy fields was a touch of class and tied in the past with the present (If i remember right, wasn't the last episode aired in November too?)
I went to 'An Evening With Tony Robinson' last year (Bath Theatre Royal).
He said the 'freeze frame' at the end wasn't originally intended.
Because of all the smoke and explosions it was a 'one-take' scene. When all the cast landed (after supposedly being shot)the whole set shook and looked cheap, naff and nasty.
Somebody then had the inspired idea of the freeze frame and fade to poppy fields!
It was a great evening out, he showed some videos of sitcoms which never made it to the screen. Think he toured with this show, anyone else see it?