WAIT; Sooty and RC DON'T agree with my choices? What is this, Bizarro World?!
Doctor Who... Page 1,062
Matt you don't agree with your choices.
Matt you'd give at least a B- if the next episode of Who if it was called,
Lets get Eusane Bolt to kick Matt in the bollocks.
Your critical faculties couldn't get tenure at the university of ignorance.
Quote: sootyj @ 30th January 2014, 6:17 PM GMTMatt you don't agree with your choices.
Quote: Matthew Stott @ 30th January 2014, 6:11 PM GMTWAIT; Sooty and RC DON'T agree with my choices? What is this, Bizarro World?!
I know something just doesn't seem right, usually it would be Sooty, RC and Godot.
Actually did Godot stop posting when RC came back? Maybe this tag team 'Dr who is rubbish' tedium.
Can't believe that Danny has less than 2,500 posts. Feels like he should be in the 8,000+ bracket.
Quote: dannyjb1 @ 31st January 2014, 10:32 AM GMT? Maybe this tag team 'Dr who is rubbish' tedium.
I think the real tedium is tuning in each week in the hopes of a halfway decent episode and receiving yet another kick in the Sonic Screwdriver. Until the older Who fans eventually die out, this rehashed, warmed up, Twilight style Who will never be accepted.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 31st January 2014, 6:34 PM GMT:Until the older Who fans eventually die out, this rehashed, warmed up, Twilight style Who will never be accepted.
He's right, he speaks for all of us fans who were there before the modern run; we had an election and he won by a landslide. Mostly because he looked great in the poster campaign.
Quote: Matthew Stott @ 31st January 2014, 6:50 PM GMTHe's right, he speaks for all of us fans who were there before the modern run; we had an election and he won by a landslide. Mostly because he looked great in the poster campaign.
I know old Who fans, I see the pitiful look in their eyes, the self denial, the wilful deception, sacrificing their opinions and values for the 'greater good', because they know that crap Who is better then no Who.
You even get weirdos who praise the Christmas Specials...can you imagine anyone deranged enough to do that?
That one with Catherine Tate and the Christmas tree that came to life and started spinning and firing bullets was pretty... uh.. goo-... *starts shaking uncontrollably*
I can't finish the sentence.
David Tennant's first Christmas special was excellent.
The Kylie one was pretty rubbish though.
She didn't wear the gold hot pants! Schoolboy error RTD. Ah no, wait... hang on!
Quote: zooo @ 31st January 2014, 9:28 PM GMTDavid Tennant's first Christmas special was excellent.
The Kylie one was pretty rubbish though.
And Yes.
A Christmas Carol was good.
The Next Doctor was pants.