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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,403

Quote: Jennie @ 12th January 2014, 11:31 PM GMT

Also, I cannot think of one decision of Strasbourg that has really f**ked up our lives.

Aside from immigration, giving votes to prisoners, not allowing us to hold terrorist suspects, not being able to deport foreign criminals easily, etc., etc.

As for 'checks and balances' we only joined the ECHR in 1997 and from what I remember, we appeared to be a very just and fair country before we joined. Certainly a lot more fair and just then some of the newer EU members.

The United States, Australia, Canada, etc. haven't signed up and they seem to be doing okay. I think we are more then capable and certainly in a position both historically and practically of having our own UK Bill of Human Rights.

Not quite sure what you mean by "EHA" (genuinely, not being sarcastic) but we ratified the European Convention on Human Rights in 1951. In reality, we wrote it.

The Human Rights Act simply provided redress in this country rather than going straight to Europe. Makes things a bit cheaper and crucially mandates all public bodies to consider human rights before implementing policies.

The United States gave us Guantanamo.

Quote: Jennie @ 12th January 2014, 11:55 PM GMT

Not quite sure what you mean by "EHA" (genuinely, not being sarcastic) but we ratified the European Convention on Human Rights in 1951. In reality, we wrote it.

Yep, got my acronyms all mixed up there, sorry. So you want the UK to have laws imposed on it by an undemocratic foreign body because it's quick and cheap?

Ah well, why didn't you say so at the start? ;)

Quote: Jennie @ 12th January 2014, 11:55 PM GMT

The United States gave us Guantanamo.

The US also allows each one of it's 50 states to decide their own local laws when it comes to tax, alcohol, smoking, firearms, marijuana use, gambling and protection of private property.

It's Bill Of Rights has been the blueprint for every single emerging democracy in the world for the last few hundred years. Just imagine for one second asking Americans to ditch their own laws and take orders from Europe instead.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 12th January 2014, 11:47 PM GMT

Aside from immigration, giving votes to prisoners, not allowing us to hold terrorist suspects, not being able to deport foreign criminals easily, etc., etc.

As for 'checks and balances' we only joined the ECHR in 1997 and from what I remember, we appeared to be a very just and fair country before we joined. Certainly a lot more fair and just then some of the newer EU members.

The United States, Australia, Canada, etc. haven't signed up and they seem to be doing okay. I think we are more then capable and certainly in a position both historically and practically of having our own UK Bill of Human Rights.

I thought we had one called The Magna Carta

Oh FFS! Some giant pudding of a kid signs up for a World Adventure Challenge and dies in the desert and his parents blame the organisers for their son's lack of fitness and obesity.

'we have introduced a number of new measures since Samuel's death, especially in terms of monitoring participant fitness'.

Maybe the kid read it as World Dessert Challenge and signed up on the spot. I think they need to introduce a new syndrome based on the delusional notions of the blatantly unfit. You can call it 'Total Wipeout Disease', symptoms of which include a 44 year old, 36 stone dinner lady from Barnsley donning lycra and jumping over water features badly.

But it ain't just the tubbos who are delusional, even supposedly fit morons done fall over and be deaded - Seven cardiac deaths have been reported in the London Marathon: five from severe coronary heart disease - in 1991, 1994, 1995 1997 and 2003 - and two with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM, a chronic disorder affecting the heart muscle) - in 1990 and 2001. Five successful cardiac resuscitations have taken place (in 1983, 1988, 1990, 1997 and 1998); all patients had coronary heart disease and were subsequently discharged from hospital. In the millennium race, a young man collapsed at the finish complaining of neck pain and died the following day in hospital following a diagnosis of subarachnoid (brain) haemorrhage.

*never exercises again*

(As if I did anyway.)

Quote: zooo @ 13th January 2014, 5:03 PM GMT

*never exercises again*

(As if I did anyway.)

*notices complete lack of admonishment for not exercising from anyone on the BCG including me*


They're doing it on the inside.

Quote: zooo @ 13th January 2014, 5:17 PM GMT

They're doing it on the inside.


Laughing out loud

Quote: Jennie @ 12th January 2014, 11:17 PM GMT

I agree with you completely, Hannah.

Basically anyone but Tories and UKIP (but you sound far too sensible to vote for either of them anyway). Failing Grayling was on The Politics Show today talking about repealing the Human Rights Act. Scary stuff.

The HRA protects us from the likes of him. That is why he wants to repeal it. More power for him.

Is he the creepy looking posh skinny one with glasses? It was him (if so) that made
me worried in the first place.

Quote: sootyj @ 12th January 2014, 11:27 PM GMT

Oddly I'd say if you're really cunning vote UKIP for 2 reasons.

Firstly I want everyone in the bright light of democracy, not skulking in the corners pretending they've been excluded.

Secondly they're the most likely to drain the votes from and unsettle the conservatives.

And if they win a few seats, it'll break up a Conservative government a little.

But what if they won!! It would be partly my fault then!
I think it will have to be labour.

I think we may end up with a Lab/Lib Dem coalition

Not ideal

But anything is better than the Tories getting another five years to blame the working classes for the failures of politicians/bankers/bloody idiots

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 13th January 2014, 5:01 PM GMT

But it ain't just the tubbos who are delusional, even supposedly fit morons done fall over and be deaded - Seven cardiac deaths have been reported in the London Marathon:

It does seem strange that when 3 people died in the Boston marathon bombings, it was deemed so serious that they shut down the entire city, yet the marathon itself is applauded even thought it will regularly result in fatalities.

Quote: Hannah G @ 13th January 2014, 5:49 PM GMT

But what if they won!! It would be partly my fault then!
I think it will have to be labour.

I don't know who you are Hannah, but I think you should vote for whomever I tell you to vote for. Vote UKIP.

Quote: Nogget @ 13th January 2014, 6:02 PM GMT

yet the marathon itself is applauded even thought it will regularly result in fatalities.

Maybe if the terrorists got charity sponsorship for how many bombs they set off / people they killed, it would raise their profiles to a more acceptable level.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 13th January 2014, 5:01 PM GMT

Oh FFS! Some giant pudding of a kid signs up for a World Adventure Challenge and dies in the desert and his parents blame the organisers for their son's lack of fitness and obesity.

'we have introduced a number of new measures since Samuel's death, especially in terms of monitoring participant fitness'.

Maybe the kid read it as World Dessert Challenge and signed up on the spot. I think they need to introduce a new syndrome based on the delusional notions of the blatantly unfit. You can call it 'Total Wipeout Disease', symptoms of which include a 44 year old, 36 stone dinner lady from Barnsley donning lycra and jumping over water features badly.

Not funny RC...the poor kid lost his life.

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