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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,401


Laughing out loud

You're great, Zooo. The fact that you are always so nice makes your putdowns all the more effective.

Quote: zooo @ 10th January 2014, 7:06 PM GMT

Your cock only exists because women tolerate its existence.

Yes, very droll. Unimpressed

(and kind of an ironic statement considering the rise of FGM in male controlled Muslim countries - if anyone's getting their bits chopped up, it ain't the blokes)

Hampshire cricket club players take part in an unusual training exercise: they play football ... while wrapped in giant inflatable bubbles. The contestants collide into each other as much as possible in order to get the ball and score a goal. Some of the players fall, only to bounce right back up

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 10th January 2014, 3:38 PM GMT

Why aren't the British Lefties banging on about Francois Hollande's fantastic 75% tax on the rich?

Is it because most of them are all rhetoric and no conviction? Is it the undeniably pragmatic streak that runs through the British psyche? Is everyone just full of bullshit and that when it comes down to it, even placard waving anarchists think 75% is too much and will drive wealth out of the country?

Or maybe it's because some people remember the old days when the tax on the rich in this country created a mass exodus to America and Monaco from some of our biggest movie stars and musicians. Coincidentally, the very same movie stars and musicians who now campaign for Labour.

So come on you dirty Brit Commies - put aside your hatred for the French - get out there and tell everyone how much you support Hollande's super tax.

Because it's not Labor policy.

I'm sure if you pop around to visit Tony Benn in his supported living apartment and ask him nicely, he'll tell you he still believes in 90 percent super tax.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 10th January 2014, 6:13 PM GMT

That is hilarious.

In other news - stupid feminist puts her stupid views on stupid Guardian website for stupid middle class people to stupidly argue over -

RCP that is a lovely article, witty and it makes a terribly clever point about persecution envy.

That affects all sorts of people, from American expats moaning to black people about how they suffer from racism.

To my perenial hate, someone who didn't like Wolf Hall deciding this makes them dyslexic and can opine on an learning disability they feel like.

Quote: sootyj @ 11th January 2014, 6:44 PM GMT

Because it's not Labor policy.

That's a bogus excuse. It has nothing to do with Labour policy - the invasion of Iraq was Labour policy and the Lefties still hit the streets. When the rich in the UK got a reduction on their income tax, the liberals went sparko, so I was expecting them to be celebrating this massively high tax that the French have adopted. Could it be that British Lefties don't care about the French, maybe even hate them? They bang on about America enough, give other countries a try you dull bastards.

Quote: sootyj @ 11th January 2014, 6:44 PM GMT

RCP that is a lovely article, witty and it makes a terribly clever point about persecution envy.

If you say so, just sounds like some bird having a go at the 'Manginas' because they want to get involved. So much for women banging out about empathy, soon as someone says 'Yes, I suffer too', they tell him to sling their hook.

There's no such thing as a monopoly on suffering.

Right simply who do you mean by lefties.

If it's Mark Steel and Tony Benn then they support it, but they're so boring no one interviews them unless they're talking about revoloutin, because that's interesting.

If you mean the Labor party it's not policy, because it's not electable.

Quote: sootyj @ 11th January 2014, 7:26 PM GMT

Right simply who do you mean by lefties.

The same people who were so massively vocal about the tax cut for the rich and how much MPs get paid.

You've been the only advocate for MPs to get a decent wage and I must salute on your brave stance. My answer to MPs pay: They should get the same lowly wage as a trade union leader, say like Bob Crow.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 11th January 2014, 7:25 PM GMT

If you say so, just sounds like some bird having a go at the 'Manginas' because they want to get involved. So much for women banging out about empathy, soon as someone says 'Yes, I suffer too', they tell him to sling their hook.

There's no such thing as a monopoly on suffering.

I was thinking about offering a cogent response.

But all I can suggest is read it more carefully.

or find something else to wind people up about. How about this

Science teacher proves it's not junk food, its self control that is the issue.

So Jamie Oliver can suck a f**k.

Quote: sootyj @ 11th January 2014, 7:32 PM GMT

or find something else to wind people up about.

Typical, because some journalist gets to put her 'views' on a Guardian Blog, then it is automatically assumed that her wind up is in some way superior to my wind up. She spouts a load of subjective crap with absolutely no evidence whatsoever to deliberately provoke and is somehow celebrated.

It's as the new expression goes - In a Twitter argument between a famous person and an unknown person, who wins? The famous person every time.

Yeah, now I'm starting to get my own persecution complex.

Sorry RCP but your posts just made me think you misunderstood what she wrote and built a specious argument to wind people up.

Like built a house of shit, on a big pile of shit, then taking a shit in it.

Read it again, it has faults, but find them don't make them up.

Christ sooty, the sub-header reads - Feminism doesn't need allies who caveat any support by saying how difficult life is for men. Take these handy tests to work out where you stand.

And you're telling me it's not a wind up?

Just because it's done with a bit of humour doesn't mean the author doesn't mean what she's saying.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 11th January 2014, 7:55 PM GMT

Christ sooty, the sub-header reads - Feminism doesn't need allies who caveat any support by saying how difficult life is for men. Take these handy tests to work out where you stand.

And you're telling me it's not a wind up?

Irony RCP

though I suspect you get most of yours in your Guiness

and I identify with and share your struggle with the racist remark I just made.

Any way it's a great article.

Quote: sootyj @ 11th January 2014, 8:02 PM GMT

Any way it's a great article.

You're committed to defend it, I get that. So let's put it in 'flip mode' -

Injured serviceman returns from Afghanistan and writes an article that he doesn't want to hear women complain about being injured, even female soldiers, because they can never fully identify with what he's been through.

Still think it's a great idea?

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