Quote: sootyj @ 6th January 2014, 11:24 PM GMT
RCP nicely this is kinda like watching Stephen Hawking go 3 rounds with Evander Hollyfield on crystal meth and someone took the battery out of his chair.
But which of us is which?
And hey, at least I supplied sources for my ignorant rantings. Still Jennie is new to me and I didn't know she was a lawyer type. Even if I did know, it wouldn't have stopped me from making my points though.
It's not like I come on here deliberately making provocative statements until people take the bait. 
Quote: Jennie @ 6th January 2014, 11:25 PM GMT
I am still mystified as to how I have threatened you. But that being said, I will gladly and unreservedly apologise for my choice of words if you will agree to at least think over what I have said.
It was the racially aggravated material online stuff. But no need to apologise and of course I read your replies and now understand a bit more about the subject.
You do work in a profession that has had it's image tarnished in recent years, so it is difficult not to lump all lawyers in together. I'm sure the work you do is fantastic and you're not paid nearly enough.