British Comedy Guide

The Ultimate Sketch Page 2

Wow I have never been so insulted in one go in my life.

N.b. intellectual and baloney are rarely that far apart.

Also it's a good idea to try, and understand how different jokes work, rather than stamping one's feet, about their higher profile.

Also adding baloney, I mean you've added 3 deliberately offensive skits, to try and make a rather hackneyed point, about off colour humour. When did the intellectual bit sneak in?

And no I'm not Paul Burrell, I maybe Mohammed Al Fayed.

TBH this thread bores me rather.

Crikey I'm feeling more persecuted, than a Black, gay, atheist conscientious objector, at a Huckabee Romney debate.

Quote: FoxyBox @ February 19, 2008, 1:09 PM

The old woman's prodding away at the girl's insides with a knitting needle and a straightened-out coat hanger.

The sketch finishes as the foetus plus several litres of blood, womb-lining and f**k-knows-what-else gush out onto the old dear's face.

This is a winner.

I just came.

I have seen the future of BSG - and it's sketches like this. I've also seen the past and the present - and it's also sketches like this.

Clearly, if it ain't broke, let's not fix it.

Newbies should note the recipe: sex, bodily functions, disease (preferably incurable), swearing and - to make sure you're standing firmly on the comedy high-ground - a little bit of politics.

You've seen it done beautifully here.

Go thou and do likewise.

Genuinely what would you consider a good sketch to be?

An example would be nice.

n.b. None of your above I think has featured in any of my submissions, feel free to peruse them. Other than my supposedly ironic bits for this thread.

oh correction I did do a skit recently about Gordie doing a poo in Alistair Darling despatch box.

Bearing in mind 10-20% of mortgages are going to be foreclosed in the next 5 years, and our currency is cripplingly over valued. That seems fair comment, he's not exactly being subtle with us.

Quote: FoxyBox @ February 19, 2008, 3:10 PM

I have seen the future of BSG - and it's sketches like this. I've also seen the past and the present - and it's also sketches like this.

Clearly, if it ain't broke, let's not fix it.

Newbies should note the recipe: sex, bodily functions, disease (preferably incurable), swearing and - to make sure you're standing firmly on the comedy high-ground - a little bit of politics.

You've seen it done beautifully here.

Go thou and do likewise.

You're a dull boy, Billy.

Foxy Box is a fella, called Billy?

or is it Billie?

Don't worry Foxy - I'm working on a sketch that features no filth whatsoever.

It's a little story about an internet troll who stumbles across a comedy forum. At first the posters take the troll seriously, but in the end they simply shun him. It's a bit like the three Billy Goats Gruff.

I just need a punchline, though. Maybe something to with 'for whom the bell trolls'

Quote: Barbs @ February 19, 2008, 3:35 PM

It's a little story about an internet troll who stumbles across a comedy forum.

You don't 'stumble across' this forum, you just sort of tread in it. :D


You know foxy. You remind me of someone else? ;)

Quote: James Williams @ February 19, 2008, 4:07 PM

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Quote: Ray Dawson @ February 19, 2008, 7:52 PM

You know foxy. You remind me of someone else? ;)

Ring a bell, does it?

Quote: ian_w @ February 19, 2008, 9:53 PM

Ring a bell, does it?

. . . and shouts 'Unclean! Unclean!'

Hey, this thread isn't doing badly for one that 99% of members are allegedly ignoring.

I'll tell you what, though - when people read 20 posts on a thread and then post a message saying it's boring, and when they post messages on the thread to tell you they're ignoring you, you KNOW you've got them by the whatsits.

If BBC3 had these viewing figures, it'd be BBC1. Laughing out loud

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