3 Star Michelin chef and outrageously volatile Frenchman, Henri Le' C**t is in his brand new kitchen
He has a Meerkat's head clamped to the side of the table and is force feeding it liquidised truffles through a piping bag.
He then hangs it upside down on a hook over a platter of fried Andalusian artichokes.
He then prods the Meerkat in the stomach really hard with the handle of a wooden spoon, the Meeerkat then vomits onto the Andalusian artichokes
Henri then walks through his restaurant and spots the window cleaner, he rushes out and grabs the window cleaner by the arm and takes his bucket away.
Stop you imbecile, don't you wash the front of my new super chic establishment with mere tap water!
Henri then pours three bottles of champagne and three bottles of Evian into the bucket.
Henri walks back through the restaurant and sees an underling making a fan out of a linen serviette. Henri rushes over and seizes the serviette. Henri then operates a few folds and we see the serviette now looks like an Angel holding a dove that has a branch in its mouth.
Henri then walks to the door and with much ceremony turns the sign from Closed to Open. He then walks behind the counter and stands proudly next to a tray that is stacked high with handmade choux pastry delights.
Henri is twirling his mustache with delight as a very aggressive looking man wearing an Everton scarf walks in and goes up to the counter
Alright lad can I have a donna kebab with brown sauce.