British Comedy Guide

I'm going to learn to drive


Laughing out loud
You could also drive around to mine & I will join you in those top 3 trips.

Quote: frostyboy @ February 18, 2008, 8:52 PM


Whistling nnocently

You could go dogging at the Treason show?

There's some rum characters in the audience.

Cars are handy for kerb crawling.

I can learn to drive in five months :D My parents are terrified!

I am terrified if Frostyboy is going to learn to drive...remind me never to go to Peterborough!

He's probably already cast you as one of the leading ladies in his upcoming film, 'F**kbuddies', Ellie.

I was thinking more "TaxiDriver" -if you've read some of the news recently in London...

ahhh I dont want to be such a young'un in my year :(

I passed my test a few weeks ago and it's great driving, but I must admit it's starting to lose it's novelty.

I'm planning to drive to France and I wouldn't mind going to London but parking and other costs it's not really worth it.

I'm planning to go to Devon to see my brother but I think a train would be less stressful and cheaper.

So swings and roundabouts - Just driving locally and to work is all I really do.

That man is a sexist pig. He refused to give me any champagne, on account of me being ugly, and a bloke. Sigh one rule, and not for the other.

Quote: Paul W @ February 19, 2008, 1:24 PM

I'm planning to drive to France

Probably much easier than getting there in a canoe anyway!

Quote: ian_w @ February 19, 2008, 1:31 PM

Probably much easier than getting there in a canoe anyway!

You probably have a point but I wouldn't mind seeing me and a couple of (heavy set) mates get fags and beer back in my 1.1 feista :D

Quote: Paul W @ February 19, 2008, 1:38 PM

You (heavy set) mates :D

You should hope theyre not reading this!

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