Alfred J Kipper
Sunday 17th November 2013 9:36pm [Edited]
8,482 posts
Quote: Harridan @ 17th November 2013, 5:28 PM GMT
Family campaigners (read: out-of-touch puritans) giving opinions without real data which is then reported in The Daily Mail is not exactly proof. Nor is talking heads giving anecdotal evidence on Radio 4.
Yes but not everyone actually goes about quoting stats like a politician or citing sources like a perpetual student, I didn't think. But my point wasn't that Sex Ed hasn't reduced rates overall, just that in one case at least in UK it was reported to have had the reverse effect. I heard it two three times on media whenever it was, and read about it.
Quote: Harridan @ 17th November 2013, 5:28 PM GMT
Every proper study that has been done has shown that the more informed young people are the lower the rates of teen pregnancy.
But they possibly don't reveal stats that show in one or two regions specific explicit sex ed lessons have somehow increased the birth rate. That's all I referred to, not the general growth of awareness among teens through media because of greater access to media. Of course they're better informed than they used to be in general, and that has evidently brought teen preg rates down a bit. But has explicit sex education to all under 16s, many of whom wouldn't necessarily have put a condom on a rubber penis before? And are parents really puritanical for objecting to that?