Still, I like the pictures of slutty girls in the in the header of the Father Ted forum...I don't know why they're there but they make that forum mysterious.
My forums Page 5
Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 9th November 2013, 9:23 AM GMTStill, I like the pictures of slutty girls in the in the header of the Father Ted forum...I don't know why they're there but they make that forum mysterious.
Quote: Will Cam @ 5th November 2013, 9:07 PM GMTSorry George but your forums are .........all a bit shit really.
Quote: george roper @ 8th November 2013, 12:21 AM GMTI Have done my very best will cam how,
This is the view I had been basing my view on George which is how my ipad shows it:

Then I acidently hit that little black/ white arrow in the top right hand corner and a drop down gave me the option to change to classic view which changed it to this:

Which is miles better as it actually looks like a forum, not a shopping list.
I apologise for my initial slur
Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 9th November 2013, 9:13 AM GMTWot eeees gramma?
She eeeeees your mommies mom , yooo iiiiiiiidiot
Ahhhh...wot is eedee-ott?
Go ask your gramma
Excuse me?? Just what sort of forum is this? Slutty girls? Those are world-class models. One is *KATE UPTON*, but you idiots obviously think it is Batman. I cannot see how this sort of language is allowed on a forum. For your information we have moved forums and I am moving the topics over. I won't be telling any of you what our new forum is called.
As for George. Don't you give him no crap. He's an ambitious young lad and I think he is very clever, and has done a grand job in keeping his forums in grand condition. You, with the iPad thingy, maybe if you had a computer; then you could SEE the forum. Just goes to show what a waste of space these pad things are.
David.. you disappoint me. I thought you were a genuine bloke. To say 'he's obsessed with girls' is a very false statement. You may notice, I am male. Male people... like girls. But I can see you're all gay otherwise you would know that it is a forum for both Father Ted and Girls. Father Jack likes Girls, so I thought the two would mix well. And FYI, I'm sticking with that mix.
You'll never know a girl if one slapped you in the face.
All your awful, disgraceful and slanderous comments have only caused me to make this comment...
Go dig yourselves a grave and climb in it.
Oh no does that mean that we aren't welcome on all those forums we aren't remotely interested in joining? What a bummer.
I'm going to make a forum for people who aren't allowed on JK33423's forums, Harridan.
It means that I personally will be contacting your website administrator to make him aware of what horrible members you are.
I would never have your bog-standard sort anyhow. So it seems one of whom I considered a friend is now a foe. David Smith.
I'll have you know many of my websites in the past have been successful. It was simply my decision to delete them.
And I did think of leaving this forum.. but no. I'm going to stay. Because I'm returning the favour that you idiots sent me... to balls-up what could have been a very nice topic had the wrong people not spoiled it.
Bad day.
F**k me, there are more of them.
They're like tribbles
Quote: jrt2345 @ 14th November 2013, 10:54 PM GMTIt means that I personally will be contacting your website administrator to make him aware of what horrible members you are.
I would never have your bog-standard sort anyhow. So it seems one of whom I considered a friend is now a foe. David Smith.
I'll have you know many of my websites in the past have been successful. It was simply my decision to delete them.
And I did think of leaving this forum.. but no. I'm going to stay. Because I'm returning the favour that you idiots sent me... to balls-up what could have been a very nice topic had the wrong people not spoiled it.
Bad day.
Hey hrt234ish.
Your turn.
Is this real?