Tuesday 19th February 2008 3:22pm [Edited]
7,542 posts
I wrote this three and a half years ago that kind of covered the same ground:
The Gospel According to St Wayne
12 And Dean did bringeth down the plastic from the summit of the Council Estate of Olives and showed them to the enormous crowd of Chavs awaiting him below in Ayia Napa.
13 They all listened intently, apart from those setting off fireworks, as he had won their trust by parting the red sea of burning G-reg Ford Sierra XR4is.
14 He spokenth, in a omniscient voice, with a booming bassline;
15 "Listeneth, all you Chavster scum,
16 The Lord hath givenst thou 10 commandments that thou musth obey.
17 They are thuseth:
18 One -- thou shall never raise the suspension of a Nova SR under any circumstance
19 Two -- thou shalt not covet thy neighbours' white Escort RS, not even if it haveth goldfish swimming in its wheeltrims
20 Three -- thou shalt not praise other gods, even if they wear the whitest Kappa and blackest Boots shades.
21 Four -- Though shalt not pronounce the word 'bitch' properly, adding an additional 'A' and elongating it soundeth 'Bi-a-itch'
22 Five -- Though shalt not be envious of thy neighbours' wheels, and should simply buy a bigger set if possible. With gold alloys.
23 Six -- Halford Audio Section shalt be thy place of worship and attended no less than fifteen times a day, turning the dials up and down on in-car entertainment systems that cannot affordeth be
24 Seven -- Thou shalt not kill, unless the biaitch hath more bling than strictly necessary.
25 Eight -- Trainers wilst always be of the purest white withst the tongues outside of thoust pants and halfway up thoust leg
26 Nine -- Beats are everything, tune is optional and rarely necessary. As long as thoust systems make homes vibrateth and the end of the street, everything else ist incidental.
27 Ten -- Enough jewellry musth be worn to be heard over boyakash beat and rap'n'b"
28 The Chavs did all taketh breath at the commandments, before lighting another cigarette and picking up the satellite controller.