Wednesday 13th November 2013 11:06pm
3,170 posts
Quote: keewik @ 13th November 2013, 10:52 PM GMT
Bastard politicians who start a sentence with 'Look'. Reminds me of bloody Tony Blair. At the moment it's alien-eyed David Milliband.
I hate that too. 'Look' is just a shorthand for 'Get it into your thick heads, I know what's best for you, but I'll say it again as you are clearly very dim'.
Quote: sootyj @ 13th November 2013, 9:29 PM GMT
I've done a few live in jobs and I admire your fortitude.
But isnt well time you found a job that involves using that feirsome brain of yours.
I mean I don't deny working with kids is a skill.
But well youze smart shouldnt you be broadening minds in schools or designing a better mouse trap.
I'm guessing part your problem is the under used mind ends up like a hamster trying to gnaw at the cage of your cranium.
Flattery will get you nowhere.
I kind of like the fact that the job uses other bits of my brain, as I exercise the hamster writing essays and calling people names on the internet...