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Chris Langham Page 17

Quote: sootyj @ February 19, 2008, 12:41 AM

Hmm I guess I'll give up in enagaging in any direct discussion with your good self, seems a little pointless, as I doubt you read them any way.

Personally I always start from the point of view, of what will cause the least harm to all.

The thing about censorship is, it always starts with the best of intentions, and gets subverted so fast.

Personally I think if Shakespeare was alive today, he'd have written the Merchant of Venice about pedos.

But what the hell, I guess I'm writing this for my self. n.b. it's usually the liberals who are most pro censorship. Can't be a national socialist with out being a socialist.

n.b. if you are reading this, do you ever write comedy?

Sorry I'll be good sir, please don't suspend me, I've got ADHD, and I've run out of Rhytallin.

I don't make any claims about my comedy writing skills. Judge for yourself if you're interested. I have posted some stuff in critique and the Weekly Sketch Comp threads.

With regards to your views, I do of course see your point Sooty, and yet (and I think Soo will back me up on this..) I still believe that we should make the possession of child pornography and terrorist material illegal.

I guess that means I am disagreeing with you! :)

oo, how dare I! :P

Quote: Tim Walker @ February 19, 2008, 12:44 AM

Every technological advance since the printing press has been used to disseminate controversial and illegal views and materials. In the case of the internet it's obviously an unpoliceable place to block content. What is requires is personally responsibility and control. That's why parents do have a responsibility to control what their kids are exposed to.

You can't, ultimately and eventually censor anything without making it become a sought-after commodity.

I agree with laws against producing and distributing child pornography and racist/terror-inciting materials. But you go after the producers, because you'll never control distribution.

I think this is closer to the mark. With child porn it's more of a tricky subject because it's not political, or explainable, it deals with face-up 'abhorrence', or what society sees to be wholly abhorrent. So no punishment for viewing such materials could almost be seen as endorsement, if you see what I mean.

Thanks sorry about going below the belt, but I guess I''m not a fan of being criticised in my self, not my words.

It's a particularly insidious form of censorship, to say I don't agree with who you are. As opposed to what you say.

As for the Labour party they're rather more national, than socialist these days. They've got more info on us individually then the Stasi could dream of.

Quote: Badge @ February 18, 2008, 11:09 PM

Ah, but they weren't, were they? Possession of this material is not, in itself, illegal. They were actually charged and convicted of possessing articles for a purpose connected with the commission, preparation or instigation of an act of terrorism. That's quite a different thing,

Yeah but my point was that the crime isn't purely based on their thoughts. There was tangible material. The material was illegal at the time of the arrest and charge or else they wouldn't have been arrested and charged. They were charged with posessing the material for a purpose not the purpose itself.

Quote: M Lewis @ February 18, 2008, 11:29 PM

Dont spoil the conversation with facts!

I wish more people would

Quote: sootyj @ February 19, 2008, 12:01 AM

In the words of Thatcher after being criticised by Geofery Howe,

I feel like I have been mauled by a dead sheep.

I remember that sheep. It brought her government down Laughing out loud

Quote: Frankie Rage @ February 19, 2008, 12:51 AM

I don't make any claims about my comedy writing skills. Judge for yourself if you're interested. I have posted some stuff in critique and the Weekly Sketch Comp threads.

With regards to your views, I do of course see your point Sooty, and yet (and I think Soo will back me up on this..) I still believe that we should make the possession of child pornography and terrorist material illegal.

I guess that means I am disagreeing with you! :)

oo, how dare I! :P

Fine delighted to finally have my words, rather than personage challenged. We're all entitled to our opinions, and that includes people who we disagree with.

Personally from a professional point of view. The climate of fear, generated around paedophilia is the greatest barrier to successful prosecutions.

The most successful programs with dealing with pedophilia have been Quaker based ones, that work with befriending and counseling. Talk to any one in mental health, or forensic services who work with these guys. What you will find is the more you oppress, the more they chose to identify as abusers, as a badge of courage so to speak. This will reach the point where they hit a revolving door of abuse a child, go back to prison and talk about it. It's that scary, and that real, and in truth I don't find it slightly funny.

There's enough of these sad deluded men blocking up our prison services. Adding people who look the wrong thing up on the internet, is like fighting rats by throwing cheese at them.

Education, confidence, and making sexual dysfunction a clinical individual issue, rather than a legal one, is the route to eliminating paedophilia in our life time. As for terrorism, I've cheerfully read guides to making dirty bombs, home made rocket launchers, and so have many of my law abiding, patriotic friends. Guantanomo proved if you lock people up for acting funny, you just waste the time of your law enforcement agencies.

The worst thing we can allow paedophiles, and terrorists do is to make us live in fear. In the end we can only do that to our selves.

Quote: Frankie Rage @ February 19, 2008, 12:51 AM

I still believe that we should make the possession of child pornography and terrorist material illegal.

What is terrorist material? The possession of child pornography is illegal.

That's a fair point. One might say that the Flight Manual for a 737 is a terrorist material.

Quote: sootyj @ February 19, 2008, 12:55 AM

Thanks sorry about going below the belt, but I guess I''m not a fan of being criticised in my self, not my words.

It's a particularly insidious form of censorship, to say I don't agree with who you are. As opposed to what you say.

Quote: sootyj @ February 19, 2008, 1:05 AM

Fine delighted to finally have my words, rather than personage challenged.

As far as i can see Sootyj you started getting personal not Frankie

Quote: sootyj @ February 19, 2008, 12:01 AM

Exept you sound like the kind of guy, who'd be first in line when they give out uniforms.

Probably to stick it on, and wank over a copy of Mein Kampf.

@ Tim: Well, this is it.

Quote: sootyj @ February 19, 2008, 12:51 AM

Not aimed in your direction.

I know. ;)

P.S. "Paedophil*" has an a - it's not "pedophil*". Are you using some weird in-browser spellchecker that keeps telling you everything is wrong?

There is some talk on here about during biblical times children from as young as 6 were getting married.
Sorry but biblical is not fact.
Even if it were, do you honestly believe a child of 6 knows what marriage is.
Child abuse has gone on since time began & it will continue to. I do not doubt that.
However I can be, along with many, many others, including British Law, against it.
I can be against it in all forms.
I am the first to admit that looking at child porn is one of the lightest forms of child abuse. However it is (Thankfully) a crime. End of.

I agree with certain points raised. They are some frightened men out there.
Men have been hauled up for pictures of them in the bath with their kiddies.

Recently Myself, husband, son & his girlfriend went out for a few drinks.
My son’s Girlfriend fell off a chair & my husband was too worried to catch her. It is ridiculous. In a world full of pathetic convictions for Sexual harassment I would hate to be a man.
I worked behind a bar & never had anything but jokey banter. Although another girl would call it Sexual Harrasment. Well don’t work in a f**king bar then you stupid bitch.

Now on the possessing terrorist material.

In a world of 7/11, 7/7, a country (Ours) that are giving out free state money, to people who send it on to fund the Taliban, (our government are paying for our troops to be shot) I don’t give a hoot who they pull up for “Suspected Terrorism”.
This country is so PC it is verging on ridiculous. They are walking among us now, plotting to kill us & getting paid & housed to do so. Their cause, they hope their people, rule the world. Well excuse me for one minute. My son is not fighting for that to happen.
I like that GB is a mix of cultures & colours. Many of us all just want to live in peace. If the odd so called “Innocent” is pulled up in our fight against terror then well, so be it. I am sure they will understand.

Quote: ajp29 @ February 19, 2008, 1:12 AM

As far as i can see Sootyj you started getting personal not Frankie

I found the comments about the Sooty show deeply hurtful. I hated that program, does that make me weird?

I have a full set of Sooty puppets.


Well mostly fair.

I don't mean Biblical times as an excuse, merely that these problems have always been with us, and we haven't got them right.

As for the viewing of material, once some one pays for material they are funding a criminal act, and should be prosecuted. No different from having a paypal tip jar to fund a bank robbery. I do think we need to examine the fundamental concepts behind these laws.

As for funding terrorism, that is illegal and should be dealt with. And is being dealt with. The reason Hamza was allowed to preach for so long, was that MI5 spotted every one he spoke to.

He was a clown, and the guys who went to him, got arrested/tortured/killed when they left the country. You only have to look at De Menenzes to see why no one wants to pick them up in the UK

Quote: Charley @ February 19, 2008, 1:13 AM

In a world of 7/11, 7/7, a country (Ours) that are giving out free state money, to people who send it on to fund the Taliban, (our government are paying for our troops to be shot) I don’t give a hoot who they pull up for “Suspected Terrorism”.
This country is so PC it is verging on ridiculous. They are walking among us now, plotting to kill us & getting paid & housed to do so. Their cause, they hope their people, rule the world. Well excuse me for one minute. My son is not fighting for that to happen.
I like that GB is a mix of cultures & colours. Many of us all just want to live in peace. If the odd so called “Innocent” is pulled up in our fight against terror then well, so be it. I am sure they will understand.

Political correctness is a load of bollocks. It is a back-firing (but often well meaning) attempt by closed-minded people not to step on anyone's toes while remaining completely ignorant of various cultures. It's divisive rather than unifying.

But I think your inherent assumption here that these people aren't innocent is a little worrying: "If the odd so called “Innocent” is pulled up in our fight against terror then well, so be it."
I mean, that's not right.

Infraction of liberties in this way is not acceptable. And the irony is that it only makes matters worse. It gives people more of a victim culture and makes them want to be terrorists!

Where there is a clear intention, lock 'em up. Where there is only a bit of information downloaded off the internet, any prosecution is preposterous.

I understand that there will be innocent 'casualties' of investigation, but I don't think it should be taken lightly. We start making laws broader and who knows where the finger-pointing will end.

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