Which are your favourite 5 sketches?
Top 5 sketches 'of all time'?
These are five of my favourite sketches:
The Fast Show - Johnny Nice Painter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj84tfS7ag4
Jam - Mr Lizard http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrANdklh5vw
Hale and Pace - Man Who Can't Take Anything Seriously http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJZ8NEEw5Jo
Monty Python - Upperclass Twit of the Year http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSqkdcT25ss
Fry and Laurie - A Word, Timothy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U7GKdbiA2c
Good question, Nogget. Can't do the clever linkage stuff, I'm afraid!!! But, hmm, always liked the little throwaway sketch in Python where Palin happily cycles along like a 70s cycling nerd then his brakes go, speeding him down a hill through a hedge. His face!
Have to bung the Mel Smith delivered 'No, it's for my armpits.' NTNON one in.
Pete n Dud's 'bleedin' Greta Garbo' one with Dud p*ssing himself laughing.
Two Ronnies doing their song and dance routine as...Status Quo!
And any of a hundred or so Benny Hill classics but I'll chose him as Nana Miskouri signing her entry in the Eurovision song contest hosted by him as Moira Anderson who trips over the microphone lead and loses her teeth. Pure comedy genius.
all day long.
Quote: Ben @ October 6 2013, 1:12 PM BSTFry and Laurie - A Word, Timothy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U7GKdbiA2c
A truly brilliant 'bit' of Fry & Laurie
I can't really think of my top 5 but I wouldn't be surprised if all five came from ABOFAL
I think the Major Donaldson sketch is my favourite sketch of all time
Morecambe and Wise - Breakfast
Fast Show - Jesse's Diets Bourbon Biscuits
Two Ronnies - Four Candles
Hale and Pace - Northern Calypso
Catherine Tate - Shitake Mushrooms
It's easier to pick out programmes/acts rather than specific sketches.
Yes, Morecambe and Wise. Not sure if their moments with Shirley Bassey or Glenda Jackson count as sketches? If not, agree on Breakfast above. Les Dawson - the piano playing ones first but they are not sketches. So maybe Cissie and Ada with Roy Barraclough - probably something like The Art Gallery.
Marty Feldman - Book Shop, Monster/Vets, Bishop - all brilliant but I'd just go for Train Passenger with John Cleese. Harry Worth is another contender but am not sure what to choose. Ditto the great Dave Allen.
So instead Harry and Paul. I love most of theirs - the Polish Shop Girls etc - but choose Football Manager. And 2012 - The Coach Journey is good but for a succinct example The Olympics Clock. It's very well done.
Final List
Feldman and Cleese - Train Passenger
Morecambe and Wise - Breakfast
Cissie and Ada - The Art Gallery
Harry and Paul - Football Manager
2012 - The Olympics Clock
(Don't know the actual titles given so have guessed them)
I liked Harry and Paul's Football Manager too. A man in my office at the time described it as "very clever". He knew about these things too as he once threatened a gypsy.
Quote: Ben @ October 7 2013, 9:55 PM BSTI liked Harry and Paul's Football Manager too. A man in my office at the time described it as "very clever". He knew about these things too as he once threatened a gypsy.
I knew people who used to close down gypsy encampments. Government at a regional level. Each one came back shaking from the dog and flint experience and immediately passed the task on to the next grade down.
Ultimately they sent a middle aged junior in a wheelchair on the grounds that the gypsies would be kinder to him and succumb. It worked but the irony revealed a considerable amount about comparative attitudes.
I like gypsies. On one occasion, I chose to attend a talk by gypsy broadcaster Jake Bowers about their language and culture. He was great - a real natural - but his popular radio programme was axed - obviously.
Quote: Horseradish @ October 7 2013, 8:56 PM BSTMorecambe and Wise - Breakfast
Quote: fustidious @ October 7 2013, 4:22 AM BSTMorecambe and Wise - Breakfast
Yes, their famous remake of the sketch was excellent, very polished. (Not actually theirs, but great version nonetheless.)
Quote: Horseradish @ October 7 2013, 8:56 PM BSTDitto the great Dave Allen.
Harry and Paul. I love most of theirs - the Polish Shop Girls etc -
The Dave Allen chair that does everything one would be in my top 10, the Polish Shop Girls too is my favourite H&P one.
Thanks Alfred. Interesting comments.
I've just realised that the Twenty Twelve one is not a sketch exactly.
So I will replace it with Dave Allen - The Funeral.
Again, as you'll know, not quite the usual format although closer to it. It's effectively silent film - with silent film music - preceded by dialogue that is effectively standup - albeit with him characteristically seated!
Gerald the Gorilla from Not The Nine O'Clock News has always been one of my top 5.
Here's my Top 5 (in no particular order)-
Mr Show- The Story of Everest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyrM7GxyzGg
Fry and Laurie- Soup http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5hALDdieTE
Monty Python- Job Interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP0sqRMzkwo
Reeves and Mortimer- Stars in Your Eyes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xcXuZvvfRE
Benny Hill- Fun in the Kitchen http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8z94e_benny-hill-fun-in-the-kitchen-hq-or_shortfilms
In all honesty I could list hundreds, these are just off the top of my head.
It's all in this old thread: https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/19854
Monty Python - Cheese Shop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPN3KTtrnZM
Monty Python - Hearing Aid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7UqhDs8zj4
Fry & Laurie - Police Station http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNoS2BU6bbQ
At Last The 1948 Show - Annoying Train Passenger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CIACqpidRM
Abbot & Costello - Who's on First http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfmvkO5x6Ng
Quote: steve by any other name @ October 8 2013, 4:07 PM BSTGerald the Gorilla from Not The Nine O'Clock News has always been one of my top 5.
Yeah that one.
Nudge Nudge - Monty Python.
Lengths Pete n' Dud.
And two others I'll edit in later if I think of any