Chronicle. Nifty little found footage film about three high school stuents who start developing super powers after going down a hole. Contains a nice Spider-Pulled-Apart-By-Telekinesis scene.
I've just seen... Page 376
'Anchorman'. Total nonsense but it cheered me up.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I now wish I hadn't read the book first. Always a mistake as the film usually has so many short comings. Will I never learn
Yes, we once watched that film and the only way I understood it was because I'd read the book. Mr. K found it totally incomprehensible so fell asleep.
I've just seen... The Look of Love. It doesn't dig deep down into the psyche of Paul Raymond, but it does paint a curious and reckless picture of him.
Is there any tits?
Quote: lofthouse @ September 28 2013, 10:21 PM BSTIs there any tits?
Oh yes!
*adds to Amazon wish list*
Quote: lofthouse @ September 28 2013, 10:21 PM BSTIs there any tits?
I think video of tits is now freely available on the internet? Someone please correct me if I'm mistaken...
Elite Squad: The Enemy Within. Manly Brazilian thriller from the guy doing the new Robocop. Very good, and makes me cautiously optimistic that the Robo remake won't be a complete turkey (even though it probably will be).
A documentary on the City of London that should interest you Brits:
Baghead. Indie horror about some struggling actors who get attacked by a man with a bag on his head. Works better as a comedy drama about frustrated ambition than as a horror movie. Although there is something undeniably unsettling about a man with a bag on his head.
Quote: chipolata @ October 5 2013, 5:45 PM BSTBaghead. Indie horror about some struggling actors who get attacked by a man with a bag on his head. Works better as a comedy drama about frustrated ambition than as a horror movie. Although there is something undeniably unsettling about a man with a bag on his head.
Have you made this one up?
Quote: George Kaplan @ October 5 2013, 10:01 PM BSTHave you made this one up?
Cut my posts, and they bleed truth!

Quote: chipolata @ October 5 2013, 10:43 PM BSTCut my posts, and they bleed truth!
Yeah, that *still* is soooooooooooooooooo convincing.