Saturday 5th October 2013 9:33pm
3,170 posts
Quote: Godot Taxis @ October 5 2013, 5:45 PM BST
If you are going to use terms like 'cis-gendered' then you can't talk about women as 'half the human race'.
Best to check before you get on your high PC horse that it is actually a horse and not a small donkey/jackass.
It's mostly laziness/lack of computer skills. What is creepy is hiding your online status. It's the forum equivalent of listening outside the door.
I don't want to get into it with you Godot, but the word 'women' covers people born into female bodies and transgendered people who identify as women. Intersex individuals who don't identify as male or female make up a very small percentage of the world's population (as much as it can be determined), under 1% by most estimations. So, yes, about half the human race are women.
Hiding my online status is just a privacy thing, it doesn't affect anybody as what people post remains on the forum after people go offline. It's not the same as looking in on a messenger conversation.
Quote: Natalie Of Wicks @ October 5 2013, 5:03 PM BST
Man, I'm glad I've got people to remind me that my interpretation of what is funny is fundamentally flawed because of my gender and political bias. I mean, thank Jebus. Just imagine if I'd got to the gig tonight and those 300 poor people had to sit through my entire act without me picking on an entire group of people. I had always thought that jokes that rely on a punchline making fun of someone were at best just lazy and unwanted in the world of comedy, but THANKFULLY I've been shown that it's just my ovary-based emotion making me joyless and boring. I had foolishly thought that I'd been booked for this gig after tearing the arse off the two previous massive gigs but I think the promoters and mixed-gender audiences must have been just playing along because they're all PC nutters and I've got ladyfeatures. Those several hundred people mustn't have been a representation of the local social makeup at all; I was just mistaken because of my gender's crusade to ruin other peoples' fun.
Thanks for the help, guys! I'll let you know how my new and improved set goes- and if they end up booking for me Live At The Apollo I'll be sure to send my first paycheck directly to the Equality for Old White Men Who Just want To Make Fun Of People Who Are Different Than They Are (or EOWMWJWTMFPWAD for short) charity group out of grateful respect.