That allotment, Freve. That a lot meant.
Do you GROW? Page 47
I see a shed load of Punnets coming now
Boys are boring.
Quote: zooo @ June 26 2013, 1:01 AM BSTI would probably be tempted to paint that shed... Or light blue.

Quote: Nogget @ June 26 2013, 9:02 AM BSTIt looks like pressure treated timber, so you wouldn't want to paint it.
It is pressure treated so you are right. I avoided some of the big knock em out cheap shed suppliers and went to a local family outfit so paid through the nose a bit. The quality is worth it though.
Quote: Lazzard @ June 26 2013, 9:23 AM BSTAre those raised beds made from sleepers, or just very robust wood?
I ask because I'm in the process of refurbing my veg plot...
They are Lazzard. New pressure treated ones. Not cheap but less labour intensive and time is my most expensive commodity.
A little salad fresh from the garden.

Looks lovely and fresh, Steve.
I'm planning to replant my money plant, but never done it before. Anyone got tips so I don't kill it????!
Are those some extremely spherical spring onions?
I assumed they were garlic, but I've now realised I was completely wrong.
Haha yes they are
And two small big onions (the darker looking ones)
Hehe. It all looks very yummy.
I love spring onions.
Grew some once . . not one made it into the house
Awesome looking salad Steve, the sun must shine on your garden.
Have just planted daffodils and hyacinths and am getting wallflowers tomorrow.
Then it is the late winter veg.
Moved into a flat with balconies this year so bought me some bulbs and a bay tree. Bay tree keeps getting forgotten, my calla lily grew like crazy but never flowered and my Oriental Mona Lisa lily was really, really easy and impressive looking.
As someone who should not even be allowed to look after myself, nevermind any other living thing, I strongly recommend the Mona Lisa lilly. You can grow it indoors and out and it just does it all itself.
Do any of you greenfingered types know what was up with my Calla lily though? The leaves grew madly and it got massive at one point but I never even got a bulb. Not using any fertiliser or anything.