Wednesday 2nd October 2013 9:12am [Edited]
1,172 posts
I saw it. It was very good. I recommend his autobiography 'Hello' as well.
I actually had an idea for a sitcom for Leslie Phillips last night. In 'You're Never Too Old', he would star as Martin Treadgold, a man in his eighties whose wife of sixty-odd years has just died and is determined to put himself back on the dating scene. Thing is, he hasn't been single since the mid-1950s and tries to be the same charmer he was back then while also making use of modern dating methods like dating sites etc. Other characters would include his daughter Debra and husband Jeff, with whom he lives, and his friend Ted, who is a henpecked husband who wishes his formidable wife Gertrude would kick the bucket too and is jealous of Martin's new freedom. The theme tune would be 'You Make Me Feel So Young'.
Martin: I need you to clear out for the evening. I've got a girl coming round.
Jeff: A girl? How old is she?
Martin: Seventy-nine. I've looked her up on Headbook and checked her relationship status. We're going to watch television. I would have preferred a film, but anything over an hour and she tends to doze off.
Jeff: Where on earth did you meet her?
Martin: The only place to meet available women.
Jeff: A singles bar?
Martin: No, the WI's coffee morning down at the church hall. So many women there I felt like I was that man who lives in a mansion with all his girlfriends. You know, Huw Edwards.
Jeff: I think you mean Hugh Hefner, actually Martin. Are you sure you're ready for this?
Martin: Of course I am! You have to get on with life. I still love Maud. I rather thought I would be the first to go. She always said she'd make sure of it! You can stay for a few minutes when she arrives. You can be my wing-man.