Tuesday 1st October 2013 10:27pm
Near my beloved Black Country in Wolverhampton
13,416 posts
I am so angry ! Just turned off Newsnight as I could stand no more of the odious Shapps pontificating on about tax breaks for married couples.
Why should anyone have to go through some sort of ritual or civil ceremony to prove a commitment.
In fact, the reverse applies. in a cohabiting relationship it's, technically, easier to walk away than it is to get a divorce.
So a couple that have been together 26 years, like us, and have two daughters who are a credit to them, both having qualified from Uni with excellent degrees are ignored over some feckless couple that decided it would be nice to dress up for a day and go through that ceremony.
How the f**k does that make them any better qualified to say their relationship is better then a cohabiting couple?
God Almighty, I hate hate the f**kin' Tories with a vengeance.