Tuesday 1st October 2013 9:54am
862 posts
Quote: Florence @ September 30 2013, 9:36 PM BST
Hi StephenM and other experienced NewsJackers (from a newbie who's not sure how to reply to a particular post). You seem to have garnered quite a bit of info about submissions - 2 line one liners etc. Reading your post I've realised my first ever submission today of 'one liner's was probably not suitable. Can't seem to find info on the newsjack pages so if it's not too cheeky can I just ask - is it worth submitting pieces half-way lengthwise between a sketch and a one liner? I do listen to the show but am obviously not great at judging length (you can have that one for free, btw). Cheers, Flo 
If you're going to do that I'd say best to submit it on Monday as a quickie sketch. In fact in the past they've turned my quickie sketch into an even quicker JackApp.
I'd advise against sending them on Tuesday as the receive literally thousands of one-liners to read through so you want to make them laugh ASAP. Having said that every rule is there to be broken and they occasionally have run with JackApps that are 3-4 lines. But I'd make that the exception and not the rule.
I think they like it if you can self-edit so trim those one-liners to be punchy and make sure you're only sending your best.
P.S. That advice comes from the 'Do as I say not as I do' school of thought.